Thursday, December 21, 2006

Here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus, right down santa claus lane.....I am so very ready for Christmas!

So, to all of you worriers, I'm fine. I had a rough weekend, but it passed mostly by monday. I then spent Monday and Tuesday finalizing my papers for classes. I'm done with the semseter though, so yay me.
Let me fill you in on the schedule as we know so far. My doctor is on vacation for a few weeks so I have no chemo until after Jan. 5 at least. (And there was much rejoicing) I had some tests and scans today but they were mostly in prep for the stem cell thing. I went in for my counts, they all look good, a little low, and my platlets still a little lower than that, but nothing to be worried about.
I then went to the hospital for a MUGA scan (heart) and PFT (lungs). The muga was ok. I took a nap. The PFT was actually kind of funny. I had to blow into this tube attached to sensors and piping and it was able to tell how large my lungs were, how they were functioning and how well they were filtering out gasses and such. I did above average for everything except the filtering gasses thing. But the Dr. said that was normal for someone who has been through this much chemo.
On Jan 5th I go back for a PET scan. This is the one that will decide if they need to give me more of the RICE before I go into the hospital. So, I'm off till then.
In the meantime we are getting ready for Christmas. Paul and Gerri will be coming in. (And there was even more rejoicing.) I was kinda hoping for snow, but that doesn't seem to be happening.
I'm kind of tired so I'm going to head to bed, but you should all check out the blog again soon as I am planning on posting a challenge question.
If you don't check back before Christmas, have a happy and healthy.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Alright. On to second day of chemo.

Let's just pretend I was good and updated last night. When instead all I did was come home from chemo and slept for 12 hours. It was a long freaking day and I'm glad its over. On to day 2. I should write more but we're running late. So, indeference to those who commented yesterday on a week old post about yesterdays chemo...I'll grant you first post status this time.

Mil said...
This comment is more to give all of you "blog followers" news about today, as I know that Elizabeth is wiped. She did really well today, but this chemo is brutal. They inserted the "plug" into her port at 8:30 this morning and unplugged it at 5:30 this afternoon. It just zapps all of my energy, so you can imagine what it does to hers. But she is doing well and tomorrow morning we're back at WMC for the next round which should be about 3 hours shorter than today. And then one more on Friday which is a piece of cake as it will only last about 5 hours. Keep us in your thoughts and watch for Elizabeth's update as soon as she can.
11:37 PM
katrina said...
Keep up your spirits, keep up your strength! Only 10 more shopping days til Christmas! (Don't worry, Elizabeth; you never start before 12/22 anyway...You've got plenty of time!)You can do it, Elizabeth!
6:50 AM
Carol said...
Lizzy....You did it! Two more for this week and then you hopefully get to rest a little! Think happy thoughts!
7:36 AM

So, everyone else count as follow up comments. I'll hopefully have the energy to write more later. -Elizabeth

Monday, December 04, 2006

For those who demanded a graphic

So, a quick run down of my weekend. I woke up Saturday morning and realized that the quarentine that my father was under hadn't worked. What quarentine you ask. The one that would prevent me from getting his head cold.
So with the exception of church I spent my weekend camped on the couch with a box of tissues, clutching my dayquil. Hope your weekend was better then mine. -Elizabeth