Thursday, October 01, 2009

We're 2 for 2! That's 2 clean PET scans in 12 months. We could definitely get used to this! There are even rumors that the port may be removed in the not-too-distant future. Woo-hoo!

If you're still checking, then know that it is appreciated, even if it doesn't appear that way; we realize it must be frustrating not to have more consistent information available. I have a feeling that Elizabeth does not intend to post much positive / non-cancer related news here (it seems she mostly uses this venue to vent, which is why so little has been posted since March's clean PET! Thank God!). She'll correct me if I'm wrong...but only if she checks the site herself! (Ha ha ha!)

Rest assured, that the old adage applies, "No news is good news." With that in mind, let's pray that there is very little reason to update this site in the future!

Signing off for now,