Monday, August 25, 2008

Elizabeth’s HOW TO

I know, it’s been a while since I updated. Sorry. I hope everyone is having a great summer. Mine has been a little on the busy side. Last weekend Mom, Katrina and I went to Boston to do the Dana Farber orientation thing. We went up on Sunday to help Erica move into her new place with Drew. Well, Katrina and Mom went to move Erica into her new place, I met up with my friend Julie and the two of us played in Boston for the day. What…I can’t lift heavy things. (tee hee)
It was a pretty great day. We went to Faneuil Hall to grab lunch and then walked to Boston Common and picnicked. Talk about ideal. Picnicking in Boston Common on a Sunday afternoon. Jules and I sat there for 3 ..Maybe 4 hours just catching up. It was great.
You have all probably seen the notes from Jules in the comment section. She was my college room mate and is now married and expecting her first child. (You can see the baby bump in the picture) It was great to catch up with her.
The next day was just an endless run of blood tests, meetings and information sessions. Katrina had her own information sessions to go to while I was at mine. It was a busy morning and then we left for home.
This past weekend was nice as well. My father’s birthday was Friday and we all went to a German Restaurant in Connecticut for dinner. Then on Sunday, Pastor had a beautiful service of Godspeed for Katrina and me. It was really nice.
This coming Wednesday I will have a PET Scan and a bone marrow biopsy, but the rest of this week is just getting ready for Boston.
Now, I know you are all wondering about the title of this entry. On our way up to Boston, Katrina and I got a little punchy and started finding everything funny. So, here are the fruits of that rather comedic ride.

“So, are you going to be much longer.” – Katrina (on phone)
“No, they are just de accessing my port now.” – Elizabeth
“No,...They are ...deporting you.” –Dr Ahmed

Sitting in the Westchester Medical Center Cafeteria eating buffalo and ranch French fries.
(Wiping mouth with napkin) Hmmmm......that buffalo sauce looks really red.

HOW TO DISTRACT MOM WHILE SHE’S DRIVING? Give her something interesting to look at.
“Oh I like that car....why is there a chicken hanging from the back of it.” -Mom

HOW TO UPSET ELIZABETH ON A DAY THAT SHE ACTUALLY SPENT MORE THAN TWO MINUTES GETTING READY? Have mom wear the same shirt as her...just in a different color.
“Are you wearing my shirt?” -Elizabeth

HOW TO KNOW IF THE SIGN PERTAINS TO YOU OR NOT? Bring Katrina with you. She’ll let you know.
“Do you see that sign that says “slow traffic stay right” ....that means you.” -Katrina

HOW TO MAKE JULIE’S DAY? Show her a new function on her phone.
“I was very excited to get a text message. It’s the first I’ve ever gotten.” -Jules

HOW TO TELL YOUR CHILDREN APART? Identify them by their mental disorder.
“You know, they say the patient picks up some of the characteristics of the donor” -Nurse
“I wonder what will happen when Katrina’s OCD meets Elizabeth’s ADD” -Mom

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Oh this is what it can be like...

Just wanted to update everyone on Elizabeth's last round of VIPER. She's a trooper. She started this Monday and continued for many hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In fact, Thursday, she even made it to a pre-transplant dentist appointment where she successfully managed not to yack all over the dental hygenist. Although perhaps "typical" fare for many chemo patients, by Elizabeth standards, this road has been rougher than usual with those dreaded side-kick Nausea and his his good-for-nothing pal Vomit long out-living their welcome yesterday and into the night. We hope for a better day today, but in the meanwhile, send a little love...

In other news, both Elizabeth and I were re-tested by Dana Farber this week to double-check our "match" status. Strange, to have your blood drawn and then head to Mailboxes, Etc to ship it to Boston. We also have separate orientations (for donors and recipients) on August 18 at DFCI; we each got packages with agendas and forms and folders--I need to answer a questionnaire about my life--it's like getting accepted to college!! Well, a sort-of freakish college where they poke you with needles so they can play with your blood and ask questions like "In the past 12 months, have you been held in jail, prison, juvenile detention or lock-up for more than 72 continuous hours?" (....well, Elizabeth's 30th b-day did get pretty crazy after the Daily Show, but luckily, that was only 24 hours....) In anycase, the transplant is scheduled for the second week of September. More on that later.

So I leave you now with a request to send a little ____, all you need is ____, ____ lifts us up where we belong . . . (thanks to Ewan)