I think my stomach tried to jump out of my mouth today.
As much as I love the people who work at Westchester Oncology and Hematology Group (aka WOHG) and I do, I'm sick of seeing them. As Katrina mentioned, I'm having trouble keeping my blood counts up. And technically, it's not me, who is having the trouble. (Katrina is currently typing right now, as I am cacooned on the bed...Give everybody a wave, Katrina) [editor's note: what am I, like, three???] So at the risk of having Katrina hijak this post because she is pissed off about what I'm about to say, I will tell you exactly whose fault it is...
It's Katrina's. [We think.]
We think.
The current working theory is that for some reason, while Katrina's stem cells and blood cells work perfectly fine in her own body [exceptionally well, thank you], in my body they have developed an autoimmune "issue". For those of you who don't understand the concept of an autoimmune issue, it appears as though Katrina's immune system is attacking, and destroying, my blood cells [whose blood cells??!!] which is only humorous, because they are technically her blood cells. So, for those of you taking bets on which would win out, ADD or OCD, apparently we have a winner. [You lost me...which is interesting because I'm typing this...]
Here's the way it was supposed to work: My immune cells have been giving Fred a free pass; they drift by and they say, "Hey Lymph, ya puttin' on some weight?" We did everything possible to give them a clue, and finally they got it. They just didn't know how to fight it. My stem cells were the cave men of immune systems: they picked up sticks and stones and threw them at Lymph...which only served to piss Fred off. So we sent in special ops. Katrina's stem cells arrive and for the first few weeks, they do their job. My stem cells do offer to help: show them where the stockpile of stones is, give them tips on how to properly throw a stick...and Katrina's stem cells were very polite.
Katrina's cells: That's very nice, but we brought our own weapons.
Elizabeth's cells: (with awe) Ooooo....what's that???
Katrina's cells: (as if talking to 2-year-old) This?...This is an uzi. (Turn toward Fred) Watch and learn...
[Hmm...I suppose she has a point; Cells: stop attacking self & secure the perimeter....and stop listening to Elizabeth's screwed up immune system!! That's why we had to send you in to begin with!!!]
That's the way it was supposed to happen. But apparently Katrina's stem cells got a little trigger happy. [whoops!] So now, in the past two weeks, I've needed six units of platelets and two units of red blood cells...and all she says is "whoops." [whoops-a-daisy???]
So what is the fix for all of this? We're hoping that it's IVIG, which I'll be receiving on Monday at DFCI. You'll have to tune in next week for more on that procedure.
That's pretty much all I [we] have for today except to explain the title of today's post. This morning, I had a flashback to 10th grade Biology, when I recalled learning about the eating habits of a starfish. As you may know, starfish have a hard shell, and no mouth or lips, just a hole. So when starfish need to eat, it actually forcibly expells its stomach out through the hole, lands it on top of what it is trying to eat, partially digests it and then sucks it back in. That's what I felt like this morning as my stomach tried to jump of my mouth: a starfish. It made me wonder, if I cut off a limb, will it regrow?
Woa, this was one hell of an explaination. I think I may have to read it again to truly comprehend it. Liz- your ADD part will understand that.
Anyway, let's get this show on the road. Let's pray the cells each learn to do their respective job - get you back on your feet, with your stomach in tact and back into an active life with your friends and family.
Miss you,
Doggone this would be such an enjoyable read if it weren't so deadly serious. You Bauerlein and former Bauerlein girls (you can take the Bauerlein out of the family but you can't take the family out of the Bauerlein - thank goodness) are so darn talented, articulate, and insightful! I can't wait to add: and healthy! God bless! (All these exclamation points make me another Elaine Benes!!!)
I had a lot work with reading this. I think that I used dictionary on every second word. But I hope I got it. I liked the cells talking. we have a cartoon in Slovakia, well it is Franch but it is about human body from inside and the cells are little boys and they talk to each other what they have to fix. So I hope I got the whole point. I wish you the best and hope you fill better. we keep thinking of you and praying for you. with love Ligas
Sorry your not felling well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you,I think it's just wonderful how you and all of your sisters are there for each other, that is truly special. Hope you will be feeling better soon.
Mrs. Fitz
EJ: Good luck at DFCI w/ the IVIG. Hopfully WHOG won't see you ASAP this week. TTFN!
It was great spending time with you this afternoon. I miss you lots and am so glad I was finally healthy enough to be with you! Wishing you happy thoughts and good things tomorrow.
Love YBS
good luck with the treatments at DFCI! heard they gave you some interesting insurance run around. let me know if you need me to kick some ass. i think i might know someone capable to do that. you might want to enlist katrina ;)
love you!
Good luck today Elizabeth!
Hi from the Ohio Stefunek's. We've been thinking a lot about you and keeping you in our daily prayers. With you and Katrina in one corner, Fred doesn't stand a chance. Hang in there and keep your spirits up.
Love you.
Paul, Kat, Jake and Nat
Hey Liz,
We're in Ohio til Tues. I look forward to reading that you're feeling better. You and your sisters are awesome! You're in our prayers.
Love, Aunt Millie SC
Hey - talking with one of you is one thing...both of you is another world. Anyway, keep the focus - we want to get in a gondola again.
As usual, I'm laughing when I read your post. I can picture you and Katrina trading looks while she types it up. But I've got to tell you, it hurts to laugh, too, about what you're going through. We all hope you get better and feel better soon.
OK, glad you're at least feeling well enough to have a sense of humor about it all. :)
Health & blessings,
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