Tuesday, September 02, 2008

That time of year

It is once again that time of year.
Children everywhere are setting their alarm clocks and eagerly awaiting that first BEEEEEP!

Teachers are excitedly setting up their classrooms, getting ready for the bright and eager learners who will soon file in.

Parents are doing last minute shopping to replace last years "uncool" backpack with this years model, so that their delightful cherub will look appropriate.

That's right. It's back to school.
...for everyone else!

Since I don't have my own classroom to prepare for this year, I have decided to make fun of those who do. So, to all of my teacher friends, student friends and parent friends, na na na.

On to other news. I am currently in Boston. I left on Sunday so that I could attend my sister Erica's first house party out of her new apartment in Boston. She and Drew have a back yard. It's actually big and, if you ignore the eye sore of a collapsing shed, pretty nice. They had a great BBQ and then it was back to the real world for them as well. Erica just started her Grad program and has (shudders) homework. So, I got to make fun of her as well. (Awww. Who has to do reading for class?)

Mom is driving up with the rest of my stuff on Thursday, along with a couch for Erica and Drew...I think. And then I go into the hospital on Friday. Katrina, Carol, and Marta will all be along on Saturday.

In the mean time, I've been sleeping late and exploring the area. There is a park just North of Erica. It's a lot of walking and biking routes, which won't do me much good after the transplant, but we did find one nice area that is on a hill over looking the lake, with a cleared area and picnic tables. I think that will work very well for sketching, or writing, or painting, post transplant.

As far as medical stuff that recently happened? I had a PET Scan and a bone marrow biopsy last Thursday. The PET showed even further improvement. But I don't have exact numbers. I was a little distracted at the time do to the GIANT NEEDLE being shoved into my hip bone. You know. When I read over what I wrote last time about the bone marrow biopsy, I some time wonder if I didn't, maybe, exaggerate. But, Nope! It really is that f*%#ing painful. I was limping around for 3 days. And I still can't sit to long in the same position before it starts to twinge.

Finally, before I end this post, I would like to send one final back to school shout out to one of my minions. He gets the "goes to extreme to avoid the first day of High School Award". This particular minion had surgery last week. It looked originally to be appendicitis, but instead he had surgery to repair damage to his intestines.

Now Ian, I can see "accidentally" swallowing one magnet, sort of....but two? Not even I could pull that off.

He is going to be out of commission for awhile, and as such will be missing the first week of 9th grade. So, everyone send a shout out to Ian. Or feel free to make fun of him and mock him mercilessly. I know I have.

That's all for now, I'll see if I can get an update out on Saturday.


At 5:58 PM, Blogger katrina said...


Looong day....

Must...finish...25...lesson plans....(thought in a sortof Captain Kirk-esque voice).

Elizabeth, viele Kollegen aus der Middle School und High School wuenschen dir viel Erfolg. Wir sehen uns am Samstag.

At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm second!!!!! Can't wait for the sisters' reunion on Saturday!!!
Rest up!

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I am third. See ya Saturday!


At 9:19 PM, Blogger Monica Rose said...

Hey! I came to see your teacher blog, as promised. It was great to see you at Erica's - I'm telling you, do the Duck Tour. Make one of them go with you. I'm serious.

Good luck, and I will do my best to harass you with internet goodness while you're holed up. See you in a few weeks!

At 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You capture the essence of that back to school feeling so well!

It was a very long first day of school and it is continuing into the night...so many lesson plans!!!

Good luck and have a great time with your sisters this weekend!
Maria N.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Heather Palkewick said...

Nate once cut my hand during a bone marrow biopsy. He was squeezing my hand so hard that my engagement ring dug into my other fingers. I wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy. Knock them dead at Dana Farber!

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot how chaotic the first few days of school are. I'm ready for a vacation already.
Good luck on your Boston adventure. I will be in touch and hopefully see you before too long.
Love & Hugs

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Melissa J said...

Good luck with the transplant, you guys!! Although I haven't commented on the blog in a while, I check it now and then and think of you all frequently. I miss you! I'll be sending good vibes to Boston for you. :)

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liz - You shouldn't make fun of Ian. I love the kid so much that when he gets out of the hospital I'm going to stick him on my refrigerator door to keep him out of trouble. As for you, right now you're stuck to my heart. See you in a couple weeks. Pastor

At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth,
After seeing how nice your room is at BWH, I felt better about leaving you.
A TV with Comedy Central and a DVD player, a refrigerator in your room, a recliner and a lounge chair too. And watching you call room service to order your dinner? I'm sure that you'll have a pleasant evening. A heads up to anyone who wants to call you on your cell....unless your Verizon, wait until after 9:00PM

You looked so relaxed in your room that it's no wonder the nurse came in and asked which one of us was the patient? (The one without the gloves and mask).

See you tomorrow morning, but I'll leave the afternoon and evening for your siblings.

Love you lots,

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
Settled in and ordering dinner. Way to go girl. Read about Ian on the prayer list -- glad everything is going well for him. (Two magnets?) Enjoy your weekend with your sisters....we love you.
Aunt Millie SC


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