Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stem Cell Convention Coverage continues...(Read first post from today below if you're just tuning in)

We're (Senior Correspondent Mom Bauerlein + Charlie Fitzpatrick) here on the floor with New York Delegate Elizabeth who has woken up and will today accept her party's nomination for stem cells - or at least her sisters donation of them. Spokespeople for the Bauerlein campaign said she was willing to reach across the aisle to work with the Fitzpatrick delegation, even though earlier, Katrina had said that Elizabeth's stem cells lacked in the foreign affairs experience needed to lead her to victory. (Before donating could begin this morning Katrina was required to list every country she's ever visited, causing Marty to be stricken with a handcramp)Elizabeth said that leaving the country once makes her stem cells more than qualified, and offered to put lipstick on them if it would help. (I wanted to know how many foreign affairs my wife had to make her so experiecned, and then realized - no I don't.) Elizabth further went on to say that her "stem cells had supreme executive powers within her own body which makes them the logical choice to assume the role of stem cells in Elizabeth's body." Additionally, she raised the point that "since Katrina's cells have spent so much time in other countries, she may not legally still be able to run for office of Elizabeth's Stem Cells, and may have to settle for the Vice Stem Cell position." We've just had word that Brian Williams has offered to moderate the debate between the stem cells. Coverage will continue throughout the day.


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm the 1st!

Now what did that post say...

Health & blessings,

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alert the country...this is a much better camapign going on than the one on "reality tv."

Awesome reporting..keep up the good work!!

Mrs H

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're giving me a headache!

The funny thing would be if Katrina was a Republican (ha!) giving to Elizabeth, a Democrat - then we might really see some action - but since the only Republicans in your life seem to live down the block from you (YEAH!), we won't even go there.

Love, Janette

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You are all hilarious and amazing. I think Jon Stewart needs to cover this in his Indecision 2008 coverage. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good spirits!

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Mrs. Fitz said...

Republican or Democrat lets get this over and and get this county back on the right track. Enough with the lipstick on the pig or the bull dog already, I for one don't wear any lipstick. What dose that make me. (don't answer that.)

I vote for Katrina stem cells to kick Fred Ass out of Elizabeth and out of this country.

Love, Mrs Fitz

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never been glued to a blog before, but this one is award winning. I'm heading over to the HS shortly and will be passing word along.


At 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shoot - you guys are all too funny for words!

No, that's not right.

Shoot - your words are too funny for all you guys!


Shoot - You guys are all funny! Does this now mean Elizabeth gets a double dose of funny?


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of all the cells being transferred, I suggest you nominate one as the Cell of the Century, a cell so stunning that in comparison, all the wannabe cells are Palin in comparison! (Speaking of Palin in comparison, oh, to be able to write like Charles and Katrina).

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles --

Love the new graphic!

Health & blessings,

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Erica said...

I have recovered my laptop. I have finished my fieldwork. And I have the cell phone...
I'm on my way!
Love, E

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this is mom and dad....and we need to complain. We have been discharged from staying with Katrina (thrown out because of lack of space and K prefers C with it should be) and EJ is not up for our company either. WAAAA.. We get no respect. But we did find a family lounge to sit in with TV screens, comfy couches and chairs and voila...INTERNET. So I got to post. I think that both Katrina and Elizabeth know that we love them from both near and afar. However, we are going to invade Elizabeth's space soon, so EJ get ready. MOM & DAD

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello KING Charles,

good to hear from you. Thanks for the news. And say hello to both ladies that are going throw the fight. We all think about them over in Slovaka and pray for Liz to get well and healthy and for Katrina that she won´t go throw much pain and the rest family to heng in there. You guys are the best family, staying together as it should be. God bless you.
with love Lucy


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