Friday, September 12, 2008

Final Convention Coverage

Final wrap up of the stem cell convention coverage. This is Charles Fitzpatrick Reporting.

Last night the party fought it out to pick their nominee for the role of Elizabeth’s Stem Cells. On one side we had the incumbent, do-nothing stem cell, which never really seemed to gain any true momentum. Their platform of experience was severely undermined by the fact that during their tenure as Elizabeth’s Stem Cells, they were unable to do the job.
On the other hand we have the upstart and ever-so-hopeful, Katrina’s Stem Cells, who have an excellent track record as being Katrina’s Stem Cells, but have virtually no experience with being Elizabeth’s Stem Cells.
The debates were harsh, the speeches profound but in the end only one group could be called upon to fill the position of Elizabeth’s Stem Cells.
Oh…We are going to cut live to the podium where Elizabeth’s Stem Cells are about to make an announcement.

My fellow cells. Thank you all for you support. It has been a wonderful 30 years, and we have accomplished much together. However, the time has come for us to step down and allow progress to occur. Katrina’s Stem Cells are good people. They have an excellent record of health and prosperity for Katrina. I now ask you all to throw your full weight behind Katrina’s Stem Cells. I offer them my full support and concede to them the role of Elizabeth’s Stem Cells. Please pray that they are up to the job.

Wow, I would say that that concession speech hit all the right notes. I feel that the real change in this convention occurred when Elizabeth, herself, came out in favor of Katrina’s Stem Cells. With such over whelming support, I couldn’t see this going any other way. We’re going to interrupt once again, this time to hear from Katrina’s Stem Cells. Let’s see if they can rally the troops and unite all of the cells with their victory speech.

My fellow stem cells. It is time for us to come together, not as Elizabeth’s or Katrina’s stem cells, but as all Stem Cells, everywhere – united in one common goal to Kill Fred. We have made efforts before, we’ve had grand gestures and major pushes, but this time we will succeed. If you all stand with me, and give me the support I ask we can achieve all of our goals.
To Elizabeth’s Stem Cells I make this promise. While working as your own stem cells we will attack Fred on all fronts. We will teach you how to defend yourself against his malicious ways. We will keep you safe and healthy, and when the job is done, we will leave you to regulate yourselves. It’s our time now. If you give us your support, we will lead you to victory.

I can’t believe it. I think they have actually done it. You should hear the roar of approval coming from the convention center. All of the cells are united behind Katrina’s Stem Cells for the role of Elizabeth’s Stem Cells. It’s incredible. There is so much hope and optimism here that …I’m at a loss for words. Oh wait, here is the unveiling of the new advertising campaign and is that???
Yes, it is the new song that goes with it.

Watch out Fred. We may have started to hurt you with VIPER, but that isn’t anything compared to

That's all from the convention folks. It's been one exciting ride. Now don't forget to get out there and vote. (LEAVE A COMMENT!)


At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I get to be the first one this time.

Great job done by all, the convention coverage deserves an award. Is there one for best blogging under stressful circumstances. All of back home can't tell you how much it meant to be so much a part of this. We can't wait for everyone to come home - except for Fred - he had his one way ticket to Boston ... and beyond.
We drink a toast or two to everyone at the Oktoberfest tomorrow.


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse the spelling errors -I was in such a hurry to be the first one, that I forget to check my spelling and grammar I'm also in a rush to get last minute things ready for our German guests who will be arriving in 3 hours.


At 4:51 PM, Blogger Allie Weissleder said...

wow...good job mom.
anyway. congrats on the success guys! I hope everything runs just as smoothly from here =)

love love love,

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Mrs. Fitz said...

So I guess you can say that the surge was a success. I am so glad that maybe soon the "troops"can come home.Keep up the good work. The Convention coverage was great by the way.

Dad Fitz

I don't know how you guys do it, the Blog was sooooooooooo Great. The news about Katrina stem cells in with Elizabeth now is great news, and that they are all getting along even better.I say Amem Amem.

Much Love,
Mom Fitz

PS Can you believe that dad wrote on the Blog. (wow)

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The convention coverage was just super. We're all rooting for the Katrina(now Elizabeth) stem cell. Hope you are all recovering peacefully, except for Fred, his demise will be permanent this time. Our prayers are with you all.

Lots of love,

Leslie, Chuck and Kim

At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now I know where my son-in-law gets his fabulous sense of humor....his DAD. I love the surge and troops coming home analogy.
Elizabeth is expected to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow in the late morning. First we need a consultation on how to have her take the drugs they're sending her home with. $360.00 worth and that was her portion of the copay.

Stay in touch with us folks...Boston can be a lonely place.

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Good Evening, Hurricane Katrina.

The man you are looking for is FRED, one of EJ's cells who has mutated into a dangerous cancer cell, and top enemy agent.

Upon learning this, the agency sent in R-CHOP. Six rounds later it was declared FRED was dead. Unfortunately Zombie Fred emerged and it was decided the agency would send in RICE followed by a brief break, then BEAM and a stem cell transplant. The agency received word of success ... but after several months the PET scan glowed again, FRED was not dead.

Several weeks ago the agency sent in VIPER, and now your mission, Hurricane Katrina, should you decide to accept it, is to eliminate FRED.

As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Hurricane Katrina."

Love to all,

At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


you did great, now it´s time for Hurricane Katrina to be very strong and kill Fred for ever. Get some rest and get well. You are great sisters.
Love Lucy

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ask not what your stem cells can do for you. Ask what your stem cells can do for others."
Excellent (un)conventional coverage of the peaceful transition of power. As for Fred ... it's term limits for him! Hope all goes great with the move out of the hospital.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad the Convention was such a success! Now if only things moved this smoothly in November!
Sending lots of love to the whole Boston crew.


At 9:04 AM, Blogger Monica Rose said...

You are one amazing family! I hope you have some time to rest and recoup from the last few very long days. You'll remain in my thoughts until I hopefully get to visit next weekend! Down with Fred! And my love to you all!

- Monica

At 11:31 AM, Blogger katrina said...

"It's a hard knock life...for us;
It's a hard knock life...for us..."

We've wiped, we've swept, we've swiffed, we've washed, we've laundered...we're done.

The house is ready, the cells are ready, the family's ready...let's make this happen, Elizabeth!!!

Good luck with the transition. Love your mask and gloves and they'll love you back.

This message brought to you in part by Purell...

At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So to all of you that are awaiting the word...yes Elizabeth has been discharged. She's not exactly ready to go home to NY yet, but Erica and Drew have made a wonderful room for her in their apartment for the next 3 or 4 weeks. I will stay with them for the next week to see how she does and then the following week, Gary and I are going for some R&R to my brother and sister-in-laws house on the Cape. That way I'll be a little nearer than NY to come down (or is it up) once or twice during the week. Then mom and dad will return to Mahopac to get with some serious cleaning as we await for Elizabeth's return there. You know, carpets washed, cobwebs down, etc. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes and keep checking this sight for more updates.
PS Aren't the Bauerlein sisters nuts?

At 8:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bauerlein sisters are definitely nuts - but in a good way. :)
Glad to hear the grueling stem cell transplant is over. I wish you the best in your recovery phase.
Love & Hugs

At 12:34 AM, Blogger Mrs. Fitz said...

Sorry Mil, I thought I was calling my son's cell, I read the great news on the Blog. Onward and upward.


At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
You are on your way!! Yes, those sisters are nuts, but in a good way, I agree!! (Was that pistachios or cashews? Just joking) Keep up the fight and we'll stay in touch....Everyone in South Carolina is praying for Katrina's stems to do their job - and they will.
Love, Aunt Millie - SC

At 6:01 PM, Blogger katrina said...

Went to church--saw people; went to Oktoberfest--more people there. Think of a person or a group of people that you know. No really--any person/people....they wished you well/send their love/have you(us) in their prayers. I mean it; all of many that my brain is about to explode. With all of these people praying for us, God is probably like, "Okay, enough already...anything you want, just stop your yammering!"

Carry on with the healing.

At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad that you were discharged and that another part of the journey is complete. Now just sit back and let those cells do their job! You have an amazing family-the perfect mix of loving, supportive and crazy!
We continue to send our good thoughts your way!
Maria and your friends at Fulmar

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Heather Palkewick said...

You guys are great! Keep up the awesome attitude. The coverage made me almost pee in my pants! Happy recovery! I've got a good feeling about this one!

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Melissa J said...

Excellent reporting from the front lines, Mr. Fitzpatrick! :) It sounds like everything went as smoothly as could be hoped for. With such a successful Stem Cell Convention, I am SURE that Fred will be scared off for good! And I have to tell you that as I got caught up on the last several days of blogging, I was sitting here at my desk at work (don't tell my boss!) laughing out loud with tears in my eyes, all while sniffling and wiping my nose (you can thank me for the imagery later). Elizabeth, best of luck recouperating and feel 100% soon!

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth!

I have nothing clever or witty to say, no big news to share...just want to let you kow we're thinking of you and miss you! Choir did a really fine job on Sunday but there were definitely three Bauerleins missing(Chuck did sing and also did the readings which he does with such expression and deep rich tones, I MUST make a note to assign him the really long lessons)
I hope you're enjoying Boston and this sort of special "gift of time" with Erica and Drew. Boston's a realy neat city and I know you'll see it through an artists eye as well as a visitor's. Godspeed! Wirh love, Mrs H

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got my vote! Glad to hear the stem cell hand-me-down went off well and congrats to both of you ladies for your courage, generosity, and determination.

At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the successful convention and transfer of the newly-elected stem cells! May they bring change and oust Fred once and for all!

You all amaze me with your wit and resilience! Keep up the good work!

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

Hey Elizabeth,
So glad to hear you are in such great spirits. I finally left a comment. Whew-hoo!
And for once, we finally agree on a candidate! Go Katrina! You got my vote.

By the way, what is Erica's address in Boston? I assume you accept mail?

At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope your counts are increasing at least as fast as the stock market is dropping (not that its funny!)
Lots of love,

At 8:19 PM, Blogger katrina said...


You said you'd post.

I'm pouting. You'll be sorry, you'll see! Starting now, I'm only checking the blog TWICE an hour until there is a new post.

(Huh; that'll show her...)


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