The debate begins...
After 9 gruelling hours, Katrina and Elizabeth finally met face to face...erm...mask to face. AS the moderator (Elizabeth's new sock monkee puppet - thanks Marta)posed the first question to Katrina; "So, how do you feel?", Elizabeth immediatly jumped in to add "Cause you look like crap!" Revel in the love as the debates begin. Kat is out of the vampiric grip of the blood harvesting machine, and while the Stem Cell Recount has begun (no really, they have to count them, and no, hanging stem cells don't count)we all wait to see when Elizabeth will receive "the Harvest" , probably for dinner at six-ish. We sign off for now to the Katrina singing "Give a little bit of my blood for you" by Supertramp.
Step one completed - great job Katrina - I hope you feel 100 percent very soon. Now let's go stem cells - do the magic.... we need Elizabeth to be 100 percent very soon too.
UPDATE: LIVE FROM MAHOPAC, NY: The Lawless Family is now sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the next post. We are all glad that you folks are in good spirits.
FYI, I witnessed the first meeting of Grace Choir, last night (OMG) who told Scott he could play the organ? The alto section now has 2 youngen's (Juliette & Gabbi). They will fill Katrina's shoes until her return. The soprano section really needs Elizebeth there for stabilization. Charley, your voice was also missed!
Just so you know, we miss you all and cannot wait until you return.
Nanoo Nanoo!
Thank God - does this mean no more Chuck blogs? Please Katrina, hook Chuck up to the machine and come back to us!
Love you lots,
Yor part is done, and what a great job you did, now it's time for step two. Hope you feel beter soon.
Much Love,
Mom Fitz
One down one to go.
Can't tell you how much the blog updates mean to all of here at home. There may be miles between us, but we're right next to you in thought and prayer.
Thanks for all the up-to-the-minute coverage! Nice job, Chuck! :) And love to all Bauerleins and Fitzpatricks involved!
helloooo Bauerleins!!!
To start....
charlie: i must say i love your news cast theme, its rather brilliant! kudos! haha
katrina: after reading the list of songs to listen to while shooting up, I now have "shot through the heart" perpetually stuck in my head. thaaanks.
We're holdin it down (excuse my ghetto terminology) in german club and we're getting ready for oktoberfest this weekend which i think will go pretty well. Mr. cobelli's been awesome, but i have to say, its definately not the same with out you there. =/
Ich vermisse dich!! (NOT the same kind of miss that was on todays lovely cross word puzzle)
and last but certainly not least,
elizabeth: what can i say? i know youve probably gotten enough, "how are you feeling?" 's, "ouch that must have hurt!" 's, and "They stuck THAT in you??" 's, which in my opinion are all rather obvious, except for the last one. i mean really, there MUST be another way to pluck off some bone marrow! so anyway, i decided to write you a poem.
(think, roses are red....)
blood is quite red.
its not really blue.
i hope Kat's blood works,
because I miss you!!
move over walt whitman, theres a new sheriff in town!
and last but not least, a song.
(to the tune of the pinecrest fight song, which is now the pinecrest peace song)
(i know it will sound better when the three of you harmonize it)
keep on truckin liz!
love and miss you all,
I'm falling asleep (and it's only 9pm!) but as I end the day my only thoughts are of all of you in Boston, as were my waking thoughts this morning. What a day!!! The prayers, love and thoughts of sooooo many are with you as we put today to rest and look to tomorrow as a day of new beginnings! God's peace be with you. Good night!
Mrs H
Katrina -- you done good! Now have a good night sleep and feel well tomorrow.
EJ -- it's all up to you. Soak it all in and let those stem cells do their job.
Charles (and Mil) you did well too keeping us up to date -- thanks.
Health & blessings,
first off ..
im with allie on the news cast theme. its pretty cool.
Next liz choir is not the same without you there to make fun of scott with but me allieand juilet are holding down the fort until you get back !!
finally Katrina: i had to take my first spanish test and it reminded me of how much i should have taken german !!! my dads fault !!
hope you both feel better soon !!!
lots of love,
All of your family and the amazing closeness, humor, strength and craziness are wonderfully encouraging to the rest of Grace - I follow all of the blogs and keep you in my thoughts and prayers -- God's love is with you - along with HOPE and PEACE.
Love Barbara Kelly
Hi Lizzy,
Hope you're doing okay today. I'll try to stop by after class, but I might need to start cleaning instead. You come home tomorrow!!! (well, home to Medford at least)
Love, Erica
PS: friends and family, Thanks for all your cards/packages and we have been bringing them to her at the hospital. Keep 'em coming!
Hey Liz,
Rest up and let the cells from Katrina do their job!!
Speaking of job -- great job blogging award goes to Chuck and Mil. I told you the whole family is talented. Now get well...we're all praying and looking forward to those updates.
Love, Aunt Millie, SC
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