Thursday, May 01, 2008

So as not to cause worry....

I have the results of the sibling donor matching.....But I'm not going to tell.

Suffice it to say, it's good news.

So, the game still remains. However, I am eliminating the "neither" option. You can bet on Katrina, Erica or both. Here is a recap of the rules.

It's $10 a bet. Either Katrina, Erica or both. $30 will cover the spread.If you are interested in playing, checks can be made out to either me or my mom, and the game will be run by my friend Georgette Muller. This is her email. gmuller5@gmail.comIf you drop her an email, to let her know the check is coming, she will add you to the list, and let you know where to send the check. The game is run as a 50/50. I keep half (hey...I won't be able to work soon) and the other half will be divided up amongst the winners. Bet's can be taken as late as Sunday morning the 4th, but I will be posting the results of the donor matching Sunday night.A few things to keep in mind. 1. Erica says the way the testing probably work, is they will put both blood samples (mine and theirs) into a test tube and see if they fight. This would seem to knock Katrina out of the running.2. On the other hand, this is Katrina. If anyone could find a genetic edge it would be her.

If you want to know the results sooner than Sunday, I am waiting for at least a response of 25 people. (tee hee I'm evil)

So, on to the update.

On tuesday, Mom, Dad, Katrina, Erica and myself all met with an oncologist at Dana Farber in Boston. (This is where Erica works.) This was a second opionion sort of thing. I think it went well. It left us with some questions, but it put our mind at ease about others. They would have done exactly the same things as Dr. Ahmed up to this point. Nothing would have been different. They also agree with the next step of this plan.

The next step involves throwing salvage chemo at it until it goes away. I have two rounds of a chemo, then a PET scan to see what's going on. If I'm in complete remission, I move on to a stem cell transplant. If not, we throw more chemo at it. Dana Farber has recommend that when it comes time for the transplant, we give them a call to set up a consulatation with one of their transplant specialists.
As you all know, this time we will not be using my stem cells for the transplant. Either Katrina or Erica ....or both, will be donating stem cells to me. This is an allogenic transplant. Bit more tricky than donating to yourself, but my cells don't seem to be doing the job.
So here is something fun. The chemo I will be using is called VIPER. (You can imagine the hand signals we have already come up with to indicate viper.) It is a newer protocal and I think it's out of Sloan, although there is a study currently with it out of Columbia. So, there is your visualization. VIPER attacking Fred. Got it?

In other news, I am still trying to graduate this sememster. I will be taking my comprehensive exam tomorrow. It's a 7 hour exam...(6 essays) and I havn't study for it. I anticipated it going well. .... that was sarcastic.
Anyway, wish me luck. More to come later. Keep the bets coming!


At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check's in the mail!! Of course, maybe if I buy your sister(s) a drink, I can get more info....

Keep up the laughs.

Thinking of you.
The Yetters.

At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto on the check. Good luck on your hours!!! Yuck.
Mrs H

PS...what are all these options for identity?!!

At 1:56 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

Elizabeth! I'm sorry to hear that Fred is back, BUT you've made it this far already and I know you can go all the way! As always, you're in my thoughts and prayers, and if there's anything I can do to aid the recovery process while you're in chemo don't hesitate to ask (i.e. take advantage of my superior tea knowledge...I'm like a tea sommelier!).

I made you this little drawing while sitting here at work:

(I hope that link works...)

And I'd place a wager but I'm trying to break this gambling addiction. ;)

Good luck with finals.

your loving cousin,

At 2:12 PM, Blogger katrina said...

Not studying for exams got you all the way through college; why should it fail you now???

Good luck tomorrow--get that exam done and GRADUATE!!! Woo-hoo Masters Degree!!!!

PS We should really upload a picture of you making the VIPER symbol, no?

At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to get Samuel L. Jackson as spokesperson for your new chemo - Snakes on a Fred! Thanks as always for sharing and hoping the first round goes smoothly.

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure where to send the check, but I guess I'll send it to Georgette.

Hope the exam went (or goes) well.

You and your family are always in my prayers. Your humor helps us all. Brit

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the exam!
Love & Hugs

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking of you...! Personally, I have always hated those standardized exams- a necessary evil?! Too bad we are not all Katrina. I am sure you will do fine. Kick butt tomorrow on your test!
-Christine Honohan

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth. .. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I feel confident you will do well and pass. It's my oldest grandson's 7th birthday tomorrow, so you will have good luck, I'm sure.
I was really sorry and upset to hear about the return of the cancer. It doesn't seem fair, especially after all you've already been through. I'll never stop praying and believing that you will conquer Fred for good. Love and prayers, Phyllis

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmmm, you'd better be sleeping by now if you've an exam tomorrow. Good luck with it. And I'm with the person who hopes it's both sisters as a donor match!

Many smiles and happy thoughts to you,

At 12:33 AM, Blogger Mrs. Fitz said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Good luck with your exam.We are so sorry to hear that Fred is back,we know you are strong and will kick Fred out.You and your family are always in our prayers.

Much Love
Mr.& Mrs. fitz

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth: Shouldn't you be publishing some Las Vegas style odds for the bets on the donor match? That was a good line about the stem cells fighting. But that's a good thing, right — "Go fighting stem cells!" I bet on "both" just because I think of you, Katrina and Erica as a trio.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey EJ --

We're in -- I'll swing by Georgette's and drop off cash. Caitlin picked her choice as soon as they drew blood -- we'll see if miss "I win" is correct.

I know you did well today, in spite of not studying -- as I recall studying was never your strong suit anyway. (grin)

Health & blessings,

At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only are the Carmody's betting on the donor(s) but we're betting on a SPEEDY and COMPLETE recovery this and your family are always in our prayers!!

Love to All,

Josephine, John, Christian and Shane

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Fred, you're really starting to piss me off! Oops, can I say "p--s" on line? I'm not sure what the Viper thing is all about, but I know the mental images I have about killing Fred, and they're not pretty! If Erica's and Katrina's stem cells are anything like their hosts, they should deliver a powerful punch to Fred...yeah!!

Good luck on the exams, and keep smiling...we love you!

Linda K.

At 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i can not believe it you were doing so good. well you will be doing better. with a family like yours fred will be gone in no time. if you let us know where to send the check i will gladly send it. you and your family are in my prayers. and you know the power of prayers sue h
sue h.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Barbara Carnazza said...

Dear Elizabeth, happy, happy 30th birthday. What a wonderful thing to get your Master's also.

You will be in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery. Bless your heart that you have had to endure so much, but you have a wonderful attitude and I know that it is so important to have a good attitude. Have a wonderful time in Italy, it is so beautiful. So much history to absorb, but will never forget. God bless you Elizabeth..

Barbara and Joe Carnazza (friends of Millie and John Stefunek), from Hampstead, NC...

At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Elizabeth - I wanted to wish you a very Happy 30th Birthday! You are in my thoughts and prayers. You are so very admired by all of us here at Mahopac Middle School with your courage and strength that you have. You are an inspiration to all of us on how to live LIFE!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for all you do, and all you represent! Love, Ann Margaret

At 10:24 AM, Blogger margiewronker said...

I work at Fulmar Road School with your sister Carol. I wanted to wish you all the best on your 30th birthday! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you have an amazing family and you are a truly special person!!!

Happy, Happy, Birthday!

Love, Margie Wronker

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Kjersten said...

Have a fabulous Birthday!!! Keep fighting the good fight... warmest wishes - Kjersten (a friend of Caroline McDonough)

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just wanted to wish you a very very happy birthday and many more to come!!

Susan Cammarano

At 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Happy 30th Birthday. Have a GREAT time in Italy. I have to tell ya, Gabriella still talks about you how funny and smart you are. You truly left an impression on her. Thank you for that. You are going to be a great teacher. Today is a beautiful day so ENJOY your Birthday.

Love ya
The Stacks

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Elizabeth,
I jusy wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Celebrations for birthdays mean parties, special people and jumping for joy about the day you were brought into this world. May you have big parties, lots of people close to you and giant jumps because you are a very special person.

At 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cara Elisabetta
Buon compleanno
Ci manchi
Ritorna presto
Con affetto
Anna Amico Lyons

At 2:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wishing you a very happy 30th birthday! You sound like an amazing person--stay strong. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

The Maddden Family, Fulmar Road and friends of Caroline McDonough

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you on your birthday! Congratulations on the graduation, too. Amy/Fulmar

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Elizabeth! Many more to come! All the best.


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Elizabeth,
First we want to congratulate you on your graduation. Be very proud of yourself!
Next, Happy big "30." May all your dreams come true when you blow out those candles.
Jane and Tony Nugent

At 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Elizabeth,
Have a wonderful birthday. I was hoping to chat with you at the Relay, but heard that it was a tough day for you with the heat.
Let me be the first to invite you back to carry the Survivor Banner at Relay For Life 2009.
Tracey Walsh

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow 30 years old. I can't believe it.. it seems like only yesterday you looked just like that picture on the blog! Well have a wonderful year, dear Elizabeth, and always know that you have a lot of fans out here who are awed by you! Love ya!, Mrs. Daul


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