Friday, May 09, 2008

Back in the saddle again....
I remember this feeling. I didn't like it.

So, apparently I have been remiss in my updating. For once, it wasn't because of lack of motivation. I just haven't had the energy. VIPER is not pleasant. On Wednesday night I felt like I'd been hit by a truck. I big a semi.
Today I'm down to maybe a small car...a beetle of something.

So, here was/is the run down for the week. On Monday I had 3 hours of rituxan followed by a Velcade push. (The V and R of VIPER) Not pleasant, especially since I got some cramps from the steriod they gave me to prevent the reaction I have Rituxan. You all remember the reaction, right? Tickle in throat becomes hairball becomes unable to breathe? Anyway, no major reaction, but the amount the gave me left me in achy pain.

On tuesday, I had an hour of premeds, 2 hours of I-fex, (I in VIPER), 2 hours of VP-16 (the E in VIPER...don't ask) and 1 hour of Cisplatin (the P in VIPER...I told you not to ask.)

Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday, and Thursday was a repeat of Wednesday. Except I got another Velcade push.

So that brings us to today. I feel hung over, wrung out, fuzzy and best. But I'm at work and attempting to not let on how much a nap would do me good right now. When work is done, I will run down to Dr. Ahmed's for my Neulasta shot. For those of you who don't recall this is the shot to regrow my bone marrow. Keep up my immune system. Which we expect to crash any day now.

Then later on tonight. I'm going out with the Women's Group for dinner. We cancelled our original plan. It was supposed to be a progressive dinner. Appetizers at one house, dinner at another and dessert at a third. Excellent concept...except dinner was supposed to be at my house. Not really feeling it. Anyway, we are headed out to a resteraunt instead to have other people wait on us. It's like having minions. You just have to tip them.

Other than the above, I have had a very blah kind of week. Mom was with me for most of the chemos. Katrina came tuesday afternoon to spell her for a little while. Amy sat with me most of the day on Thursday. A big thanks to both Amy and Lynn for the meals. Dad does appreciate being fed.

There is probably more stuff to let you all know about, but I need to get ready for my next class. I really hope the kids don't figure out how tired I am. They can sense fear you know.

I'll update more later. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here and kicking.


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK so I missed when you first started posting again and now today I am first. You are an amazing person going to work after the week you have had. Thinking of you always. Mrs. Miller

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Mrs. Fitz said...

You go girl, Your are woman we can hear your roar. We agree with Mrs. Miller, you are amazing.Thank you for the up date. We look forward to your next Blogg.

Love, Mr.&Mrs Fitz :) :)

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi EJ --

Glad to hear you made it to work! Try to keep you energy up, you're absolutely correct -- those kids can tell when you're not on your game.

And keep smilin! :)

Health & blessings,

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't have to sit in some old Dr.'s office today and instead you had innocent children to take your frustration out on. (Was my child one of them?)
Anyway, you have one round down Liz!! I'm placing my bets on VIPER! Sounds much more threatening and promising than ICE or RICE. Let's go VIPER!


At 9:36 PM, Blogger Heather Palkewick said...

So, you probably need a VIPER logo on the blog with a Fred in it's mouth perhaps? Or maybe a lump 3/4 of the way down it's body...wait, that's a boa constrictor not a VIPER. That's ok. We can pretend. Ooo - fangs - don't forget the fangs!

By the way, just do the VIPER hand thing at the kids. They'll think you're so weird that they will leave you alone!!!!

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Heather Palkewick said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz! I talked to our mutual friend Di recently, and we talked about you and how cool you are, and she's been keeping me in the loop somewhat about your progress. VIPER sounds crazy. I guess sometimes a poison can cure you. I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and wishing you well.


At 2:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

glad to hear your running around! glad you're writing too. stay motivated! i'm sure you'll find some way to deal with the kids if they sense the tiredness and fear: you're awesome at that stuff! love you lots. --di

At 7:12 PM, Blogger Mrs. Fitz said...

Spoke to Charlie today, he said this week was not to bad for you. We are hoping this week turns out to be the same for you. Thinking of you always.

Love, Mr. & Mrs. Fitz

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping to read the mother's day ode to mom!!!


At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay strong and know we are with you (of course only in our minds since Texas is a littl far to hold your hand.)

And you are right about the kids and fear, but you have VIPER on your side.
Love ya

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every treatment is one step closer to the end, right? Hang in there.
Love & Hugs

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,
do you want to know why VP-16 is the "e" in VIPER??? VP-16 is also known as Etoposit. Luis had it and the nurses made me a bit confused, when they told me one day he is getting VP-16 and on the next day they call it Etoposit. At first I was always asking if he get's something new they they kept telling me "NO, he had the same stuff yesterday!" So I'm very proud of you, that you are still so strong.
Love Melanie and Luis
PS: In my last mail Katrina didn't translate "Kur" but you know, what I ment when I said, that you can come when ever you want for a "Kur" to us, right?


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