Monday, April 28, 2008

And we're back.....

I know. It's been a ridiculously long time since I posted. That was bad of me. In all honesty though,....not really sorry. I am however, sorry that I must reinstate the blog.
For those of you playing catchup...My cancer is back.
Long story very, very, very short....I went in for a routine PET scan and a hot spot showed up. A week later I'm in the hospital for a biopsy and a week after that I have confirmation that the spot is cancer. Same type as before.
The current plan is to do 2 rounds of a salvage chemo, followed by another stem cell transplant using a donor. I'm running to Dana Farber tomorrow to have a second opionion, but we are pretty sure it will be along the same lines.

The Game is afoot...
The cool thing is I got to submit both Erica and Katrina for consideration for donorage. And in typical Bauerlein fashion. They have made it a competition. When Katrina met Dr. Ahmed she asked him how she could get an edge.
Since so many people I spoke to want in on this, I'm openning it up to the general public.
It's $10 a bet. Either Katrina, Erica, both, or neither. $40 will cover the spread.
If you are interested in playing, checks can be made out to either me or my mom, and the game will be run by my friend Georgette Muller. This is her email.
If you drop her an email, to let her know the check is coming, she will add you to the list, and let you know where to send the check.
The game is run as a 50/50. I keep half (hey...I won't be able to work soon) and the other half will be divided up amongst the winners. Bet's can be taken as late as Sunday morning the 4th, but I will be posting the results of the donor matching Sunday night.
A few things to keep in mind.
1. Erica says the way the testing probably work, is they will put both blood samples (mine and theirs) into a test tube and see if they fight. This would seem to knock Katrina out of the running.
2. On the other hand, this is Katrina. If anyone could find a genetic edge it would be her.

Ok folks. I know this is a crappy way to restart the blog. I'll let you know how the second opinion goes tomorrow. Not to mention the cool stuff I've been up to since the last post. Including my recent trip to Chicago to see my brother Paul and his wife, Gerri.
Don't forget to send in your bets for the game.


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck today Elizabeth!

My bet (wish) is that both Erica and Katrina will be a perfect match. Wouldn't that be great? Speaking about competition...


At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice that you've updated the blog, but it's awful that you have to be battling cancer again. On the bright side, this time you have your sisters competing and some gambling going on! You always do manage to keep things fresh and interesting...
Hang in there.
Love & Hugs

At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Liz! Stirring up the sibling rivalry pot while making $ at the same time! I love it!!

YBS Carol

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
ich kann Dir gar nicht sagen, wie oft ich diese Seite geöffnet habe nur um festzustellen, dass Du nix geschrieben hast. Ich dachte noch, dass alle Bauerleins SEHR faul sind im schreiben von mails - Ihr seid immer alle soooo beschäftigt! Jetzt wäre es mir allerdings lieber nichts auf dieser Seite zu finden. Ich kann kaum glauben, dass Du wieder kämpfen musst. Wir beten für Dich - NATÜRLICH auch Luis ! Er betet immer für "Liz in Amerika, wo man mit dem Flugzeug hin muss". Wenn alles überstanden ist, dann kannst du jederzeit wieder zur Kur zu uns kommen.
Alles Liebe

At 9:40 PM, Blogger katrina said...

Translation of Melanie's post

Hey Liz,
I can't even tell you how often I have checked this page, just to be sure that you haven't written anything. I also thought that all the Bauerleins were VERY lazy in writing email! You all are always SOOO busy! Now I wish that there weren't anything to find on this site. I can hardly believe that you have to fight this again. We're praying for you -- OF COURSE so is Luis. He's always praying for "Liz in America, where you need an airplane to go". When you've beaten this thing again, you can come to our Kur anytime you want!

All our love,

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Keeping in my thoughts! Love, Jenn D - Fulmar Road


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