Monday, November 27, 2006

So...If nothinig else this will be a really intersting update.
Its very late, i'm exhausteed but unable to sleep. this wouldn't realy be a problem as i just took a sleeping pill a little while ago and teh longer that is in my system the sleepier i will get.. however, i have forgotten thet my touchtyping skills ohjly work well wehn either A. My eyes are opened or b. im not about to fall asleep from the sleeping pill. Dont panick yet. I have everyintention of making it inot my bed before i become compoletly unconcious. I was just hoping that one of my sisters. which everyone chekcse first might be so kind as to call mom and ask her to not wake me up untill 1030 or soo. That wyould be swell. Thanks - Elizabeth


At 7:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its a gud thng you menchoned the sleepng pill thng. i wuz a litle konserned abowt the hole speling thng!

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go to bed! Even with my bad spelling I had a hard time with this one. And what on earth are you doing up at 5:30 in the morning. I am on my way to work. Again go to bed.

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

So, I guess I won't be calling you this morning to talk. Or has it just affected your typing skills. I guess I'll let you sleep it off! Let's get together this week!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger katrina said...

I showed this post to a colleague and we decided even our principal would have noticed the typos...and that's saying something.

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I have never met you or maybe once but, I have known of you and your battle with cancer and your, alas, temporary past victory. I was saddened to hear and then read directly from you that FRED was back. I have never had to deal directly with anything as scary as what you have and so I won't even pretend to understand what you're going through. Except maybe, to try to imagine how scary and terrifying it must be for people like you to deal with this. People like me cannot begin to understand your journey ahead of you but, I beg you to rely more on your wonderful and caring family and draw strength from the fact that they love you and feel great pain and anxiety for you. I hope their prayers and the prayers of your friends and those of people like me will be answered in the long run and will bring you immediate comfort in the short run. I'll be thinking of you and praying for your wellness. Love,

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you dare come to class - revel in the opportunity to rest! Thinkin' aboutcha, Karli

At 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, my note did not send - please take a moment to visit the website

Trust God -

At 10:47 AM, Blogger luc said...

Hey and good morning,

Your last post was kinda strange for some people,lol. but thanks god my speling is horrible so I did not have any problems with understanding your post. and probably the sleeping pill nocked you out already when you were trying to post something. hope you feel better and you got a good night "morning" sleep.
take care and don`t do to much. get some rest.
say hi to mom and dad. I`ll try call you today.because tomorrow I`m going back to Florida.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth,
Greetings from Florida!
I've never blogged before, so please bear with me. I don't even know my identity. I am not a blogger and I didn't want to be anonymous, leaving me with no other choice but "other." I met you when you were just a small blond girl. It had to be in the late 80's, as that was when your sister and I went to Lenoir Rhyne together. I remember that you were in the middle of Carol's other 2 sisters--Katrina and "the baby," as Carol always said. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and praying for your strength. Please say hello to Carol for me.

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Elizabeth:

One day at a time! This is what my co worker tells me. She just finished her las round of chemo.

Funny thing... she always says night time is the worst time. I guess is because this is when you have time to relax and think about whats happening.

God bless you and give you the strngh you need

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is always fun to read your blogs and your humor ( at least I hope its humor, you did only take one sleeping pill right). We are praying for your struggles through chemo and your eventual recovery, here in Chicago. Love you and see you at Christmas time.


At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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