Wednesday, November 22, 2006

And in today's production....

In today's production of Elizabeth's Chemo the part of "chaperone/driver" will be played by the up and coming sister, Erica. The part of "witty comic relief" will be reprised by cousin Lucy. The role of "cleaning the house and preparing for the Thanksgiving invasion but arriving at chemo in time to drop off lunch and learn how to jab me in the leg with a needle" will be played by the ever versatile mom.
Other supporting actors in today's production are Dad acting as second driver taking Katrina and Chuck to the airport for their Thanksgiving in sunny Florida. (I think it's 70+ degrees there. Pack a bathing suit)
This is the final scene of Act 1: RICE
No flash photography during the treatment and don't forget to tip your chemo nurse.
Enjoy the Show!


At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Liz! Go Liz!
Fred Sucks! Fred Sucks!
(Hi Erica!)

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, my tip for the chemo nurse, get the port flushed the first time!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Liz. We may not realize it sometimes, but we truly do have a lot to be thankful for, even in these very difficult times.

Love to all the Bauerleins.


At 7:37 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I used to tell my mom you were the only non-freshman in chorus who was nice to freshman. It's true. I don't know if you remember, but you made me throw my head back in laughter pretty much every class. This was good because afterward I sang louder and better, with my mouth still big from smiling. It was also bad, though, because sometimes I was hiding gum on the roof of my mouth and you know Mrs. Bruno would rather a student commit homicide than chew gum in her class.

Anyway, when my mom passed your site along I wasn't surprised to see you forming your narrative with humor, strength and, well, total awesomeness. You are in my thoughts, lady; I’m sending all of my positive energy over the Atlantic to you...I guess that means everyone here in Ireland is screwed because I’ll be horrible, negative Jess now. They’ll deal.

In fitting with the vibe of the comments sections, let me say DOWN with the loathsome Fred and Bob! May they be like the gum in Mrs. Bruno’s class- sought and destroyed!

Happy Thanksgiving and love to the whole fam.


At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see your funny posts, Elizabeth. Humor (and a wee bit of chemo) is still the best medicine. Happy Thanksgiving!

Adam, Debbie & Lucy Pachter


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