Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Once more...with feeling.

So. Your good thoughts were obviously not enough. I went through the lovely hassle of the CT scan and I still have to go back for a PET. And the morning started off so well...
Mom and I stopped by a deli on the way and picked up a sandwich so I could eat something after the scan. (Remember this is one of those where they starve you for a few hours.) Anyway, I arrived on time and was immediatly order to drink the 2 large containers of Redi-cat. Last time I had it it was lemon flavored. This time it was "mixed berry." There was no difference. I swear mixed berry tastes the same as lemon. Anyway, after chugging that over a 15 minute period and trying not to hurl on the nurse who kept telling me to "hurry and finish", I had mom fill out the paper work. This was the first time I had a CT scan at the facility. My last one was at Putnam. So, I go in. I change into the gown. I finish chugging the sludge. And then I spend 20 minutes trying to control my need to vomit while I wait for the nurse to come and get me. Once they get me into the room with the CT scan low and behold,...there is another glass of the sludge waiting for me. They said that I just needed to have a couple swallows to make sure that I'm all "coated". I swear, no one needs these images in their mind. They ran a couple of scans with out the contrast and then they ran a few more with the contrast coming in through an IV. Which believe it or not was the more pleasant part of the experience. For the first few scans I was freezing, then they dump the contrast into your blood stream and you start to feel all warm and fuzzy.
After the scans were done, I went upstairs for my appointment with Dr. Ahmed. While we were waiting I got my port flushed. For the first time in months, it didn't give the nurses trouble. Both sites went in clean and gave blood. The heparin went in and I was out in less than 5 minutes. I should have known things were going too well.
Dr. Ahmed wasn't going to be in until the afternoon so we had quite the wait ahead of us, but Denise the nurse practitioner took us early. She ran down to look at the scans and we waited in the office. When she walks in the first thing she says is " I don't want you to be concerned but"...
TO LATE.!!. I'm sorry but that is really not the way to open a conversation.
As it turns out, there are some large nodes that have them concerned. They can't quite tell if they are left over from the cancer and just haven't disipated yet, or if they are active sites. So....I head back in tomorrow afternoon for a PET scan to see if they are hot spots or risidual scar tissue.
but I'm not panicked.
So anyway. Lets try this again shall we. Positive thougths people. Once more...with feeling.


At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you're not panicked....I have enough panic for the two of us and then add the emotions of your sisters and Marta...and well, you get the picture. On the one level, I know that whatever happens, we can handle it. This is the editorial "we". You have been so strong throughout all of this (although a bit -itchy at times) and I'm sure glad that I didn't throw out my happy pills. On the other hand, I'm really praying that tomorrow Dr Ahmed says, "don't worry about it".. All is good. Love you, Mom

At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course they are scar tissue, why should you be the one without it? This to will pass and we will breath again, but until then....Happy Thoughts Happy Thoughts!


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love scar tissue. Scar tissue is good. Scar tissue is our friend.

We love you and our prayers are with you.

Love Annie S

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're sending positive thoughts and prayers your way and on the way to the whole family.

We'll check in later for good new news.

Georgette & gang

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you. Think happy and positive. The hand of God is holding you.
Christine Morgenthaler and family

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got kind of scared when i heard about your scan, but trust me, its just scar tissue. i said trust me!!
this is me we're talking about, im phychic, remember? you've got nothing to worry about liz, find your happy place :)
love and prayers, Allie


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