Friday, August 11, 2006

I've got nothing.

Nothing new is going on. We went to the beach. That was great, but then I spent the next day recuperating. The only interesting thing that I have discovered is that I am not totally crazy.
That might need an explanation, huh?
So, since chemo ended I have been experiencing some problems. Nothing too major. Just things like, short term memory loss, hearing problems, tingling fingers...other minor cognitive "difficulties". Since I'm ADD, this wasn't all that much of a surprise. I just figured that I was having trouble getting back into the swing of ...well...having a life that wasn't defined by cancer. I started taking my ADD meds to help but ...things weren't really getting better. They weren't working the way they were supposed to. So finally I did some research.

It's called Chemo Brain. (I know, sounds like something I named, huh?) It is a decrease in cognitive functioning. In fact ADD meds have been used to help combat some of the symptoms. However, for someone who is already ADD...not so much. Then my mother talked to a friend of the family who is a nurse and she said that the hearing loss and neuropathy were also carry over symptoms that would start to fade in time.

I'm not overly upset. I mean this is going to make the school year a little more difficult. I can't even read for pleasure because if I put the book down for too long I forget what I read. But even that is not such an issue. I'll deal.

I'm just glad I'm not going crazy. It really is ridiculous. I should be able to remember a conversation that I just had with someone. Or what show I just watched or what book I'm trying to read. But knowing that it's a side much better. Frustrating, but better.
I think that's all I've got for now. Talk to you later.


At 10:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like another one of those things someone should have told you about before so you wouldn't end up thinking you might be going crazy. At least you know what's happening to you now. Good luck getting through it.
Love & Hugs

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep... what Julie said. Always better to know what's going than to have the mystery symptoms all over again. Later, Di

At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to follow your recovery...."Chemo Brain" does sound like something you made up.......I know there is something there; but I am holding back.....

Hang in there.

Charlie J

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

I will vouch for your "Chemo Brain" as I have it too. It is a bonafide condition that I read about in a Cancer magazine while waiting for my appointment at Sloan-Kettering. There was a whole check-list, and while reading it I made mental notes... Yes, that's me... uh huh, yes, I have that, then, Wow! I just thought I was crazy! And Yes, it is called chemo brain and countless others go through similar symptoms. It has been one year since chemo for me, but how do you know if you are better? They say it could last as much as 2 years. I thought I told you about this!! Anyway, now you know.

Love, Amy
P.S. Miss you and see you soon. We'll be back Tuesday.

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite is the "senior moment."
Well, in my case, I have many, strung together...I'm not yet 50 and I've been using this one for awhile!


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