Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I know...It's late.

Don't worry. I'm going to bed shortly. I just figured I would give you all a heads up as to the exciting events of the fourth. Katrina and Chuck had their open house today. It was a grand success ...even with the thunder and lightening. And since all of their house warming gifts had a patriotic theme, they have now established themselves as the "official" family forth of july party place.
It was a great day and I managed to keep myself fairly well distracted by being social. I know, most people wouldn't be distracted by small talk, but I'm not most people. Conversation is work for me. Oh...and to why I had to be distracted? Well I have my final PET scan tomorrow/today....the fifth. It is actually not my final. I will be having a PET or CT scan for the next ??? years. At least 5. However, this is the one to make sure that not only did the chemo do it's job, but that it stuck. Basically, we are hoping to sign Fred's death certificate tomorrow.
I know it's going to be fine, but in typical Elizabeth fashion I am imagining the worst.
Anyway. I will let you know tomorrow night. Later -Elizabeth


At 7:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,

I know this PET scan will be fine, as well as all of the future ones. Your next posting will cheer about great results, that we are all looking forward to reading. Take a breath and jump over this hurdle. It will be ok.

Thinking about you.

Love, Janette

At 7:41 AM, Blogger luc said...


I will pray for you today. I am sure that the PET scan will come out very good and you will be clear. Fread is dead totaly for ever. take care Liz.

At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck Lizzy! Can't wait to hear the good news tonight. You will be in my thoughts the whole day!

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many smiles and happy thoughts to you Miss Lizzy! We're all looking forward to the results, regardless of the outcome. You said you were dragging us all with you, and that means the bad and the good! :-) I'll see you soon!

Many smiles,


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