Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Still here

So that was an exceptionally long time for me to wait before posting. Sorry. I was being lazy. In fact, Im still feeling lazy. So this is to let you all know that I'm still around, everything is fine, and I will soon be having a Fred is dead party. Still not quite sure on the details, but I'll give you all a heads up on the when and where soon. I think that's it. I'll post tomorrow. -Elizabeth


At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,

You are not feeling lazy, just taking a breath. I was so proud of you, and Amy and all of the survivors during the Relay for Life last weekend, rain and all. It is always difficult seeing those purple shirts or the names on the luminary bags of the ones that you love, but knowing that we are all there because of all of you, makes it worthwhile.

Remember to plan some Jello shots into that Fred is Dead party!

Thinking of you.
Love, janette

At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so feel the same as Janette and Carol (see comments above).

Jello shots sound good. I will however also suggest red bull with vodka and gummy bears (soaking over night). Hope you are providing sleeping arrangements for FRED IS DEAD PARTY. Sounds like some of us might need that. Don't look at me, but I am really craving a drink or more at this point!!!!

Love ya,


At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Elizabeth,

We are very happy to hear that your ordeal with the "drip-drip" is over. We wish you continued and full recovery. May Fred, the villain, rot in you know where---forever.

All the best to you,

The Maryland Contingent

At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to use your blog site to say a BIG THANK YOU to all that volunteered to help out Carol and I on the Touched by Grace team. We could not have pulled this off, our 5th year (yeah!) without the assistance from all of you.

A big thank you goes out to Marta for putting up with me. I know she wasn't feeling good on Saturday, and all of our heads were going in different directions (and Marta probably wanted to beat mine), but Marta, like always, was awesome!

Thanks again to all!!

At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi liz i am glad you remind that the relay for life was sat i had foot surg and i can not get the dressing i was glad you reminded me so i could at least donate in honor of you and amy you are two great people and i am proud of both of you i met erika on sunday and you are right she is a mini katrina well got to go love sue h

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

Hi Bet!
I am so impressed that you went walking yesterday. I'm so upset I won't be here for your party. We'll have our own party when I get back! Keep walking! Love, Amy

At 6:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, you were really awesome at Relay For Life and made me know that "will power" fueled by faith gets more miles per gallon.

I love gummy bears and jello but had to give up the vodka years ago but can I still come to the party? I can be the designated driver and I'am also great at holding back hair over the porcelain bowl.

Lizabeth, don't forget we sing Father's Day, so that day you must be in church. xxxooo



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