Friday, May 19, 2006 mother did a pretty good job.

I should let her do this more often.
This has not been a good chemo cycle so far. Besides being very weak, I am also sick to my stomache and the new meds that they gave me make me sleepy. So. I'm just going to quickly go over some things.
Chemo went well. There really wasn't anything new or interesting. My sister Carol and my cousin Sue came with me. Mom was working the school board vote. (Which by the way was shot down. Honestly people. It's going to cost that much more to have a second vote. There is a little bit of rain and all the Yes votes decide to stay home. I went and voted and I just had chemo. Shame people. Shame) Anyway, mom not being there didn't stop her from checking in. She was on her third call to carol when i finally called her and left a voice mail for her to stop calling. It worked. The first part of chemo was me finishing up reading my new favorite book. "America: the Book" I love Jon Stewart. Anyway, it turned into a read aloud session that kept Carol, Sue and myself occupied for most of the pre chemo. I fell asleep for the chemo itself. When I was finally done and stood up, I think that's when I noticed that this was worse. I felt very weak. And the fun neuropathy. (Say it with me now. Neurrrrrroopathy. It's just fun to say.) This led to mom typing up my blog.
On to Wednesday.
I did my usual post chemo debrief at Amy's and while I was there I played with her new puppy. It was actually very relaxing. I also used the jacuzzi and watched a movie. Then, it was time for my shot. By the time we got to the doctor's office I was feeling really punky. I got my shot and then they perscribed compozine (i don't think i spelled that right. but i'm too lazy to go upstairs and check the spelling) This lovely little wonder drug makes me not want to hurl. For that, I am eternally grateful. It does however, make me very tired. I think I have slept more in this past week then the last two weeks combined. Not to mention, I still feel aweful. I think that it's normal. Denise, the nurse practitioner, said something to this effect, but I was a little out of it, and not really paying attention. Something along the lines of chemo being a cumulative effect and each one being worse. Thank god I only have one left.
I got home and slept forever. Thrusday was pretty much the same thing. I'm fighting the sleepiness today. Mostly because I'm starting to freak people out enough by not blogging that they are calling to make sure that I am okay. I did watch CSI last night. Great episode. I think that's all i got for now. So, some quick notes.
1. The choir concert is on Sunday at 4. If your interested in music you should come. And bring money, because Katrina is organizing a bakesale for afterwards, the proceeds of which will go to American Cancer Society.
2. If you don't want to come to the concert but wish you could have donated $50 or $60 in exchange for a cookie, you could instead go to my Relay for Life link and donate there. If you really want, I'll mail you a cookie.
3. My turtle Phil likes cooked chicken. I know this is an odd thing to post, but I was begining to worry because he wouldn't eat anything. Now i am less worried. comments. I'm in need of comments.
Ok. That's all. - Elizabeth


At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz!
Thanks for the update. You can thank me bloggers - I called and complained. I am glad you sounded little better today. In order to ensure first comment award, I will keep it short. Love you, thinking of you very very often and can't wait until you are done with the chemo thing. Hurray St. John's!


At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think - only one more chemo to go through! Hang in there.
I want to meet Phil. I think I'm going to make Brendan let me get a fish since he won't let me get a cat until we get a house.
Love & Hugs

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one more chemo lady! Then, off to vacation. Glad you're feeling a bit better. Let us know how the concert goes and the bake sale. Wish I were there to sample the goods!
Take care,

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Now it makes sense, when I called Carol on Wednesday during your chemo to see how things were going (you were asleep), she said she thought I was your mom calling for the 4th time. Gotta appreciate moms!

Hope you are feeling better. I will be busy baking tomorrow for the Grace bake sale....anyone else?

Relay for Life is June 3rd - are your bloggers signed up yet??



At 1:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi liz this is going to be a fast week with one more to go but are you going to stop blogging i am in a habit already i come up stairs read your rambling and send you a comment then when i am finished my daughter from north carolina emails me and i get to bed about 4 or 4:30 thank god i am retired you sayed your mother called 3 times when my daughter was divorced she did not date for 9 years when she went out on a date i was worried so i called her on her cell phone 3 times she was about to kill me but those are things moms do i was a nurse at hudson valley hosp . and it was so said when a young kid came in scared to death and there was no one with them they sat in the bed most of the time looking so sad we had one boy that was in a car accident and was in traction for a long time when i was finish my work i would go in a sit with him and watch t v i worked 3 to 11 so you had time to sit with someone because the rest of the pt. had visitors . well my daughter finally got over it and she told me she would not tell me when she had a date but she did and i only called once you have a lovely family and good friends thank god for that well enough of my mouth or do i say fingers just keep smiling you have a great smile say hello to mom and dad
sue h

At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi if you need cakes for the bake sale email me

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz!
sorry you aren't feeling well, but i'm home all week packing up my apartment so feel free to call me... strike that, PLEASE CALL ME! with no cell phone, I feel oddly cut off from the world - thank god for the internet and your blog!
Well, it is a gorgeous day down here in NC so I think i'll vacuum out my car in preparation for next weekend! Hope you are feeling okay right now - good luck at the concert today!! so sorry I can't be there!
Love ya!!!
PS: we should start brainstorming some ideas to celebrate chemo next week! wanna do something for the nurses?

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Elizabeth,
Do you have any idea how proud I am of you???? Aretha Franklin could not have done that gospel song better. Has chemo even improved your singing? I know that the busy weekend has again left you zapped and tomorrow (without the prednisone upper), you will hit bottom....but think back to today, and the accolades that you received. You were just awsome and Carol and I both got teary (even my happy pills couldn't stop the tears). Love you lots and lots. Mom

At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
So we weren't there for the concert...we had breakfast with Aunt Millie and Uncle Gene before they left for Atlanta....Soooo, we will need to have a private performance when we come up the end of June....See you then...Oh, and what did Amy call her new puppy? Hope the bake sale went well.
Feel better ASAP!
Love, Aunt Millie in SC

At 5:32 PM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

Hi Elizabeth,
I took that same anti-hurl medicine! Wow, we have so much in common. I still owe you a massage. I will treat you for your birthday! Just letting everyone know in advance that Elizabeth's B-day is coming around the corner. Get your cards and letter's in the mail! By the way, you looked great at church in your jammys and robe. I must say, I had to video Chuck playing the guitar in his robe in front of the church. I'm not sure when that will happen again. I'll save the footage for when Chuck gets famous!

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

Oh... and my puppie's name is Daisy! She's a cute little weiner dog (I can't spell dauchsund).


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