Tuesday, May 02, 2006

If I ruled the world.

So, I know it has been awhile since my last post. My only excuse is the killer headache that I have been fighting for about a week. I will, however, work on a post at chemo today. And maybe some pictures. In the mean time, I thought I would give you some interactive fun.
I got a book from my friend Diane and it has all these crazy, fun things to do. Random, interesting and sometimes illegal things. One for each day of the year. Today's is "World Domination Day" - Make your plans in advance, in case you need them. Soooo, I am going to test you all. Fill out the following form, and tell me what it would be like if "I ruled the world." Remember, this is not about you. It's about me. Besides, this will give me something to read when I get home. Maybe I'll give out awards for the best answer.
You should be able to just copy and paste the form.

What is my title: Emperor __ Supreme Ruler__ Generalissimo__ Other________
Site of my world capital: Paris__ Washington__ Beijing__ Other_______
Capital to be renamed after: Me___ My mother____ My Pet_____ Other________
Enemies to be liquidated: ________
Friends to be promoted:___________
Countries to be abolished:__________
Planets to be subjugated:____________
Number of slaves:___________
Number of cars:______________
Number of jets in my personal fleet: __________
Catchphrase: I rule for no one (but me) __ An Iron fist in an iron glove __ Kill first, torture later ___ Other:______

Keep in mind, I didn't come up with the questions. The're from a book. Have fun. Take as much time as you need. I'll set a deadline of Friday.
Fill you in on the chemo later. -Elizabeth

PS: I have added a link to my Relay For Life page. It's on the right. Under the "All about me" section. Good. Look down, down ...right there. Under google news. If your interested, you could help me out by donating. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Liz


At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz!

Good luck with everything today. Just think, after this one, only two more to go and than.... St. John's....

Did anyone hear from Janette? Hope she is ok. It is not like her not to comment before everyone else.

Love ya Liz!


At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Beth,

Number two!!, and for you it would be Generalissima.


At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that I secured the first place on the blog, here is the little quiz filled out just for you.

What is my title: Emperor _X_ Supreme Ruler__ Generalissimo__ Other________
Site of my world capital: Paris__ Washington__ Beijing__ Other___Mahopac____
Capital to be renamed after: Me__X_ My mother____ My Pet_____ Other________
Enemies to be liquidated: __Fred - nevermind - he already was :)______
Friends to be promoted:________Marta___
Countries to be abolished:__non abolished, all conquered________
Planets to be subjugated:_____What's subjugated?_______
Number of slaves:____too many to count_______
Number of cars:_____7 (different one for every day of the week)_________
Number of jets in my personal fleet: ______only one but at least a couple of yachts for sure. Oh and the jet needs to be at least a 75 seater so the whole family fits____
Catchphrase: I rule for no one (but me) __ An Iron fist in an iron glove __ Kill first, torture later ___ Other:___I will rule when my TV show ends. Just give me a minute and play nicely until than___


At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Marta, Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to be out of the house by 6:45 AM to take Ryan to wiffleball. Doesn't he know that cuts into my social time???

Liz, thinking of you today. Hope all went great. Sorry you don't have my Treo to check your blog results, but here goes....

What is my title: To others, Supreme Ruler, to your family, PITA

Site of my world capital: Mahopac (do you think you are leaving again?)

Capital to be renamed after: Me (It’s all about you!!)

Enemies to be liquidated: Too many to mention here

Friends to be promoted: Hopefully I’m on this list!

Countries to be abolished: hmmm…

Planets to be subjugated: Marta, this is for you: tr.v. sub•ju•gat•ed, sub•ju•gat•ing, sub•ju•gates To bring under control; conquer (I had to look it up also)

Number of slaves: How many sisters do you have?

Number of cars: With the price of gas? 1 hybrid (plus one for each of your friends to be promoted??)

Number of jets in my personal fleet: 2 (incase one isn’t working)

Catchphrase: It’s all about me!!!

At 4:27 PM, Blogger katrina said...

After having spent all day with Elizabeth in chemo, I have had much time to ponder the fate of the world if she were to dominate; here are my best answers:

Your title: Comic Graphics Goddess
Site of your world capital: 150 Archer Road (The good news is, she’ll move out of the basement; the bad news is, she’s going to take over the 2nd floor; Sorry, mom and dad.)
Capital to be renamed: Margaritaville
Enemies to be liquidated: Those who do not laugh out loud at print (& parenthetical) humor
Friends to be promoted: (see slaves, below)
Countries to be abolished: Texas (excepting Arlington & Houston)
Planets to be subjugated: Uranus (‘cause as many times as I think about it, it’s still funny)
Number of slaves: silly people…if you’re still reading this blog, you already are one
Numbers of cars: cars? My personal driver will deal with that.
Number of jets in your personal fleet: irrelevant, but they will all have Satellite modems and TV
Catch phrase: “It’s not sharing if you make me do it” (bitterly said as I try to finish typing)…..wait, No, Don’t, HELP, AAAHH!!!”...(awkward silence) ….What I meant to say is, “It’s all about me.”

At 4:40 PM, Blogger ejbauerlein said...

OK, so here is mine. I wasn't planning on submitting it today, but Katrina was a good little slave...er..sister and typed up my answers for me.

Your title: Her Supreme Omniscient Majesty (I saw that!)
Site of your world capital: Mahopac
Capital to be renamed after: my stuffed dog, Spike, aka Spikonia (I would have named him after my real dog, but mom won’t let me get one)
Enemies to be liquidated: Needles…all of them
Friends to be promoted: Promotions will be based on constant competition between friends and relatives for “The Top Spot” (Little do they know, “The Top Spot” is never attained, and thus no one will be promoted; yet everyone will continue to do my bidding)
Countries to be abolished: Any which don’t follow my rule
Planets to be subjugated: Pluto, it pissed me off (Pluto, you know what you did!)
Number of slaves: Unlimited, (with free nights and weekends…kind of like my cell phone minutes)
Numbers of cars: 9 (a convertible for trips to the beach; an SUV for driving kids to soccer and picking up groceries; a pick-up truck for haulin’ stuff; a limo for “special occasions”; a van for when I need more room; a hybrid for when I get my gas bill for the SUV; a sports car, ‘cause I saw it on MTV Cribs; a motorcycle, just ‘cause; and an 18-wheeler, so they can all come with me when I travel)
Number of jets in your personal fleet: 1, any more is just ostentatious
Catch phrase: “It’s all about me.”

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once upon a time there was a Pretty, Pretty Princess, who lived in the Land Of Make-Believe. Upon her inauguration she promptly changed the name of the capital city from The Shire to Candy Land, due to a falling out with Frodo. Frodo retaliated by sending an army of Ogres and Goblins to invade the Land of Make-Believe. It was only through the brave heroics of the 34th N&S Infantry (200 Nymphs and Sprites strong) that the evil army was held at bay. The timely arrival of the Last Unicorn broke the stalemate, allowing the forces of the Land of Make-Believe to push back the enemy to (cue James Earl Jones) The Dark Side. The 34th N&S and the Last Unicorn were awarded commendations for their bravery at, what has come to be known as, the Bloody Battle of Peaceful Pond.
As her first official act of colonization the Pretty, Pretty Princess sent envoys to the Moon of Endor. She had seen pictures of the cute native Ewoks, and she thought that they would make a lovely addition to her kingdom. (C’mon, an entire race of teddy bears at her beck and call!)
After the enslavement of the Ewoks, she started her first international good will tour. Considering a car far too pedestrian, the Pretty, Pretty Princess custom ordered a carriage from Fairy Godmother, Inc. She dealt with the Godmother, herself, who moonlights at MICEs (the Make-Believe Institute for the Care of Enchanted Species) at which gets discount rates. For longer trips she enlists the services of 1001 Flying Carpets, Ltd, as the Genie in charge is a close, personal friend. On several tour stops she makes a public appearance, and always closes her speech with the same catch phrase: “It’s all about you, my loyal subjects (said with a generous smile)…unless it’s about me. In which case it is no longer all about you….(pause)…What did you expect, I’m a princess.”
Signed, Kre A. Tiv

At 6:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I got the catch phrase right! GO JANETTE!

Glad to hear that the day went well!

Thinking of you.


At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is my title: Emperess

Site of my world capital: Renamed monthly by the new beach you are at.

Capital to be renamed after:

Enemies to be liquidated: Those who wish to do harm to others..not eliminated, just made to do minimal things that we don't want to do.

Friends to be promoted:All from Texas, of course

Countries to be abolished: Those that don't supply medicine or facilities to its people.

Planets to be subjugated:Definition did not even help with this one. Why do we want to live on another planet, anyway?

Number of slaves:_0___
Number of cars:_Let's go for Harleys!
Number of jets in my personal fleet: 4 One on each side of America
Catchphrase:What color is the sky in your world?

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

To Her Surpreme Omniscient Majesty,
I'm glad all went well today. Only 2 left! I hope to see you Wednesday. Stop by for a massage if you're up to it. Elina will be here.

Your Humble Servant,

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, does this mean you'll be giving us something fun to do while avoiding reading about subventricular zone GABAergic neuron progenitors every day? (Please?)

What is my title: Her Majesty the Royal Egg Hunt Supervisor
Site of my world capital: Mahopac (I know, it's not original, but when you're right, you're right, people.)
Capital to be renamed after: the Russian port surgeon
Enemies to be liquidated: Fred's extended family, and the Vermicious Knids
Friends to be promoted: (see "Comments")
Countries to be abolished: Can't we all just get along?
Planets to be subjugated: Magrathea
Number of slaves: (see "Comments")
Number of cars: Plenty, but no inspection stickers
Number of jets in my personal fleet: None (well, your capital doesn't exactly have its own airport...)
Catchphrase: “What Would Jerry Do?” (as in Bruckheimer, see CSI website)

At 11:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Beth, here are your answers

What is my title: GeneralissimA (and keep that in mind on Cinco de Mayo) but "Konigstochter" will do also

Site of my world capital: Bratislava (at 6 Matuskova)

Capital to be renamed after: Mrs. B. (your mom)

Enemies to be liquidated: Fred, Mojo-Jojo and Fran Stalinofskivich

Friends to be promoted: Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup.

Countries to be abolished: Ramanovia

Planets to be subjugated: Uranus

Number of slaves: Just the Purple Cobras.

Number of cars: that depends on wether you finally learn how to drive or get a chauffer, but lets start you off with a Yarus.

Number of jets in my personal fleet: no jets until you master parallel parking.

Catchphrase: I would simply go with: YOU RULE!

Sich besser fuhlen


At 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Liz,
I would like to join your quiz, but it is to "anspruchsvoll" for me. The only thing I could say is: If you ever rule the word - let me be on your side!! I don't think it's healthy to be your enemy ;) - see Fred!
Love Melanie

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is my title: Supreme Sci Fi Sultan
Site of my world capital: This position necessitates an OFF World capital - I would recommend Pluto or Uranus, but apparently they'r eon the destroysble list. I myself like Europa.
Capital to be renamed after: Dr. Daniel Jackson
Enemies to be liquidated: Mostly the powdered ones I suppose
Friends to be promoted:Sci Fi buddies Charlie,Evie,Paul and Amy
Countries to be abolished:Zanzibar - they're killing dolphins, oh - and France - well, cause...you know.
Planets to be subjugated:Such a nasty word. The Sultan prefers assimilated.
Number of slaves:Have you not been reading - they're called MINIONS.
Number of cars:One is fine - it seems you never drive it and it has no gas anyway...and Europa has no roads.
Number of jets in my personal fleet: For the girl who hates to fly?
Catchphrase: You..no the other one..yes,you. Dance monkey, dance.

The anonymous one who isn't Pastor.

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I don't know how to cut and paste....and so I must re-type.
l. What is her title? Oh, Great Story Teller and Pied Piper Of Little Children.
2. Site of Her World Capital. The Cave
3. Capital to be renamed after....her mother, of course. Something like "Milanaria"
4. Enemies to Be Liquidated....Anyone who dares to touch the remote control during NCIS.
5. Countries to be abolished....the homeland of the guy who built the monstrous house behind us.
6. Planets to be subjugated...Neptune (Isn't he the guy with the pitchfork?)
7. Number of slaves....Will all who respond to my add. Must be willing to bake, watch TV, sing, do my laundry, clean up after me and blog comments to me.. Oh my, doesn't that describe a mother???
8. Number of cars - Enough so that when the seats and floor of the car being used are full of stuff, she can move onto the next car.
9. Number of jets in her personal fleet - If you're referring to the number of burners (jets..get it), on a stove, than lets have lots because Elizabeth likes to cook.
10. Catchphrase - I'll do it as soon as this show is over.

Get who wrote this one.

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I was a little behind on this, but Drew fixed my computer for me (all the way from Boston) so we're all good now! Here's my answers:

What is my title: The Honcho-est of Heads

Site of my world capital: I guess Mahopac, but can we move the house to East Lake Blvd? I've always wanted to live on the lake.

Capital to be renamed after: you I guess

Enemies to be liquidated: the people who built a hotel in our backyard, MaryJo (remember her?), and Martha Stewart

Friends to be promoted: people who watch SciFi

Countries to be abolished: France, obviously

Planets to be subjugated: Uranus, obviously

Number of slaves: no slaves (only minions)

Number of cars: doesn't matter, as long as you aren't allowed to drive them

Number of jets in my personal fleet: honestly, do you really need more than one!?

Catchphrase: Post comments, people!

At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd just like to say I'm not a copycat, but I think every one of my responses was used by someone else earlier! That sucks! I didn't even read them until after I posted!! I thought I was being all creative and original... mehhh... I don't like this game anymore!


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