Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Number 3

I'm leaving in about 15 minutes for my third chemo. Three of six. Halfway through, hopefully.

For some reason, I am more nervous about this chemo than I was about the first two combined.

I'll talk to you all later. Promise. - Elizabeth


At 8:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Opps, 15 minutes, I better get over there! Don't worry, this to will pass.

At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck today Lizzy! I will be thinking about you...


At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your nervousness was unnecessary and all goes off well.
We are praying for you,
Jackie K.

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck! Love & Hugs.

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Hope it goes well


At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - Good luck today. It was great seeing you on Easter! Stop encouraging my Mom to be such a trouble-maker. (: I'll be thinking of you and continuing to check your site. Hope to see you again next time I'm in NY.
- Sara K.

At 2:09 PM, Blogger katrina said...

Halfway through is a big mile-marker! Keep the faith--You can do it!

You're in my thoughts all day.

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey whats goin on.Its one of your best freinds Evan.. i had soo much fun at Golden house the other night...especially when drew and erica were commenting on my amazing sense of fasion. haha.. anyways i had alot of fun stuffing eggs and waking up at 6:00 in the morning just so i can hide the orange ones...also i had fun finding little pieces of green glass and a specific type of fern that there were only 3 of. anways we have to hang out and watch RENT !!!...we can get some chineese food and other joyous types of food. haha just wanted to stop by and write you a little note anyways i hope you have a good week and ill talk to you sometime soon.
I love you Evan

At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you,
it's half past eight in Germany and I guess - and hope - that you finished your chemo for today. Hopefully everything went well today.
Love Melanie
PS: I'm to lazy to write more in english, so Katrina, here is another job for you:
Hey Liz, weisst Du noch als ich im Sommer 99 bei Euch war. Wir waren doch damals bei Sigrid in Washington. Morgen kommen Ihre Zwillinge nach Bödigheim zu Edith zu besuch. Ich bin mal gespannt wie sie aussehen. Ich sehe sie immer noch als kleine Kinder vor mir - werd wohl ziemlich überrascht sein, oder? Ich muss in letzter Zeit sehr viel an meinen letzten Besuch bei Euch denken. Es war wirklich toll. Denke gerade daran, dass es auch manchmals etwas unbequem war - zum Beispiel auf der Fahrt von Boston nach Nantucket - zu viert auf dem Rücksitz vom Auto! Malst Du immer noch so toll? Du solltest das machen - und natürlich weiter die Verwandtschaft mit Deinen Tagesberichten erfreuen:)
Ich denke ganz fest an Dich und drück Dir die Daumen

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sara, I'm innocent here and always the best choir member, never talking while other sections are practicing. I do believe it's Elizabeth getting me in trouble with Scott and sometimes Samantha too. Why I even had to stick my foot near Samantha's head to stop her from whispering.

Well, since we're all being terribly truthful here, the person sitting next to me in choir always gets an ear full of my jokes and one liners. Maybe it's Tim's fault because I learned that from him.

Truthfully, I love sitting next to Elizabeth because she and I share music, hymnals, pencils, bullitins and sometimes water. Oh, that's me sharing with her but what I especially like is the times she is so tired or feeling so sick that she'll put her head on my shoulder for just a moment. That's when I want to wrap her up in my arms and shelter her from all the hurt of the chemo treatments and the fatique and the nausea. There's no need for me to do that because she's there to give others the hugs and the funny stories and the most beautiful smile that God has given anyone. It's really the rest of us that need the pep talks and the laughter and Elizabeth, you are the girl.

Forgive me folks for writing so much but I don't write often and am always moved by what I've read.

Love you Elizabeth. I'll see you at church on Wednesday and I'll have
both shoulders ready for you.


At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please....I am the angel of the soprano section and you all are troublemakers :) Nel gets Liz's head on her shoulders...I get her barenaked feet on the back of my chair near my head! Where's my sympathy?? Liz, I hope today went well and you had nothing to worry about. Love you!


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Liz,
Half way down. We all keep praying for you and thinking about you everyday. Hope everything went well today. Your family is holding you strongly up there Liz, especialy your mom. You´re very happy you have your mom. take care Liz and let us know how you feel. We all hope you feel well.
we all love you. Lucy

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be nervous too with Janette's driving. I am sure she kept you laughing or just telling the nurse what needs to be done!

At 8:41 PM, Blogger katrina said...

Translation from Melanie

Hey Liz, do you remember when I was in America in the summer of 1999? We visited Sigrid in Washington DC. Tomorrow her twins are visiting Edith in Bödigheim.
I'm interested to see what they look like now. I still envision them as small children, but I'll be pretty surprised, don't you think?

I've thought a lot recently about my last trip to you guys. It was really great. I was just thinking that sometimes it was rather uncomfortable too -- for example on the trip from Boston to Cape Cod (when we went to Nantucket) with all four of us in the back seat of the car! Do you still paint as well as you did then? You should make something and naturally keep making all of the relatives happy with your daily updates.

I'm thinking of you and wish you luck.


At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Jacque, I didn't tell the nurse what to do, Aunt Mil was there for that, but the driving, I unfortunately hit the pot holes on the Taconic~sorry! And Carol, you are on a roll girlfriend. Nel, you nailed the thoughts to a T.

Thinking of you.

Liz, it was fun.


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