I'm ready to talk a bit
OK. So I was a little upset about the hair thing. Still am. But, I'm getting over it. Especially now that I have discovered how painful it is to lose my hair. I'm not just talking about emotional. I'm talking physical. It hurts. It's like little pins and needles poking at my head. It is VERY unpleasant. For awhile I thought that I would try to keep my hair as long as possible. Now, I'm this close to shaving it all off. (Karen, your available right?) These are things that should be included in the chemo pamphlet. I think it would make it easier for people. Yes, you are going to lose your hair, but by the time it happens it's going to be pissing you off so much that you're going to want it gone.
Anywho. Since I'm finally ready to talk a little, I'll fill you in on the most recent chemo. On tuesday morning Marta, Mom and myself set off for Westchester. It was a much more pleasant ride considering that the port has healed up. (Did I mention that the tape and glue finally fell off?) The whole thing was significantly less nerve racking than the first time. We got the "special room" again. I'm still not sure why. I'm hoping that it's because we bring so much stuff. Then I can just continue to do that and get special treatment. We all know how much I like special treatment. When Betsy hooked me up to the IV I didn't have the urge to hit her. It was much less painful. Which is a good thing because I was a little distract by the funny colors that Marta's face was turning. Apparently watching the needle go into the port isn't a pleasant sight.
They started me off immediately with the steroids that prevent my reaction to the pre-chemo and in doing so, were able to start me at a higher dose and cut about an hour off of the whole process. For the most part I slept. It was actually kind of boring. Marta and I played a word game for awhile. Mom tried to play but it didn't really work out.
I do recall that at some point Denise, the nurse practitioner, came in and asked if she could show someone my port. They will never make that mistake again. The woman was only a few years older than me and just like me deathly afraid of needles. Now, I think that I am a very sympathetic person, but I wasn't about to lie to her. SHE was the one that asked if it hurt, I just told her the truth. Yes it hurt, but not as much as the bone marrow biopsy. How was I to know she hadn't gotten that one done yet? That she, in fact, was on her way to have it done with in the hour? Oops. I'm not quite sure exactly what else I said, but I'm sure mom and marta will fill you all in. All I know is that woman left my room looking anything but reassured. I guess it's a good thing I didn't take out the laptop and show her the vampire/needle picture, huh? See, that showed some restraint on my part.
After the chemo I had a very interesting reaction. As most of you know, I am NOT a shopper. I hate shopping. In fact, if I had a choice between shopping and chemo, I chose chemo. However, after the chemo all I wanted to do was shop for scarves. And maybe an outfit for easter ...and possibly a new skirt...maybe some sandals. I know. Insane, right? For a normal person chemo wipes them out and they go home and sleep. Not me. I grabbed marta and we went shopping.
Another interesting side effect, it made me very social. While Marta and I were shopping we ran into Mrs. Wyrostek. We stopped and chatted for a bit, and she mentioned that she was having trouble getting onto the blog. So I offered to email her the link, and the entire conversation was being overheard by the cashier. Later on, as marta and I were checking out the cashier asked about the site and, in totally odd and social non-Elizabeth behavior, I offered up the information about the site and struck up a conversation. I know, weird? If she happens to check on I hope she leaves a comment.
The rest of the day was uneventful. I finally got tired and went home and, while modeling the scarves for my mother, discovered that my hair was falling out. This sort of put me off my blogging. Sorry. The next day Katrina took me down to Westchester for my Neulasta shot. Once again, just as painful. It burns going in, and with in the hour my bones start to ache. That night was church and people got their first preview of Elizabeth with scarf. I think it went well. Since I think the wig will probably itch, the scarf look will be the one I'm most likely going to be going for. That nights choir rehersal was pretty hellish though. Haha. Choir rehersal, in a church, hellish. Ha. Okay maybe that was only funny to me. Not only are we working on all of the music for holy week, but he kept us their until 11. I shouldn't really complain, I fell asleep on a pew. I only woke up for the last song. (A horribly canned music gospel funk rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus.) Not a pleasant evening.
Thursday I slept until noon. With the occasional pill break. I then kind of lazed around for awhile until Brian called. (Cousin Brian) He came over to help me count the eggs for the easter egg hunt. I fill you all in on that some other time, but just so you know there are over 1000 eggs to be counted. Don't worry he was fed for his trouble. Then sent home so that I could watch CSI.
Then today I again slept until noon, with the pill wake up in the morning. Then I spent 2 hours on the phone with both unemployment and my school trying to sort out various problems. I think that is finally taken care of. Then Sam DeGraffenried came over with a plate of brownies for me. And how do I thank her? I put her to work fixing the Relay for Life sign that I need to have done for church on Sunday. In fact, she's still here. I'm think I'm going to keep her here until it's done. Shhh. Don't tell. Oh wait. She's looking over my shoulder. Huh. That could be a problem. Don't worry I will feed her too. I feed all my slaves. Friends. You know what I mean. That's all for now. I hope your all caught up. Don't forget to leave a comment. I live for positive reinforcement. Like my mother said, "Visiting the site without leaving a comment is like watching public television without writing a check to support it." Leave me comments.
Do we think I'm getting too demanding?
Talk to you later. -Elizabeth
*evilly claims the first post because I can*
I am surprised to learn that having your hair fall out hurts, and I am unbelievably sad that nothing seems to be anything less than uncomfortable in this situation. Boo, all of that.
I was surprised that you wanted to go shopping, as I have gone shopping for an Easter outfit with you before with Erica and you were definitely not enjoying it. I'll keep an eye out for pretty scarves in New Paltz for you.
If you need help making signs or counting eggs or holding your hand or watching TV, let me know. I'm only 45 minutes away.
Love you!
.......just so you know that not only your friends check your blog daily, but also those so-called relatives. You are doing a great job coping with this ungodly situation and we continue to pray and root for you.
Like your friend Monica, we do not understand why losing your hair hurts, but we are ready to be educated.
Tante Gisela, Sigrid's mom, is leaving for Germany on Sunday, Sigrid's kids in tow. That should keep her on her toes! What are grandparents for, anyway? Being quadruple grandparents ourselves, I shouldn't be such a wiseguy. I know only too well what they are for, and not all of that is fit to print.
Give our regards to Mom and Dad and give Fred the Deep Six, Elizabeth.
Waltraud and Gerhard
So... I heard you demanding comments (well maybe we should be calling it requesting strongly!) so I felt compelled to leave you a comment (really that thing about not giving $ to public TV is kinda silly, but still guilted me into the the comment) But I am not quite sure what to write you. I am amazed at your strength and honesty in how you are dealing with all of this. You truly are an inspiration. My prayers and thoughts are with you. If you ever need anything, I am more than will to help with whatever.
Hugs and Kisses
So when Nate went bald it was a stramge yet compelling experience. Have I ever mentioned how much I like Start Trek The Next Generation? That Patrick Stewart...
Just remember, that if the chemo is killing your good hair cells, just think what it is doing to Fred and his cohorts!!!
Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Him who stregthens me.
Heather Palkewick
No your not being too demanding although that's all you kept telling me when only 7 people had responded to your last post. It's okay I understand why the loss of your hair hurts (not cause I am losing it) because when I shave my head and there are still some left on my head when i put on a hat it feels like there are millions of little needles being shoved into my scalp by my angry sister.
Hi Elizabeth: I am so sorry about the discomfort (A doctor's term when something is going to hurt like hell) you had when loosing your hair.
Did you really think that the canned music for the Halaluia (spelled wrong) song sounded like canned music?
Please tell your mom if she wants company when you have your chemo treatments to let me know and I will keep you two company
Hello Elizabeth:
I guess it's really true that anybody can get on the internet, even me. I heard about your condition and thought I'd send you a hello. I read your ramblings and from your tone you're handling the situation. Just know you're in my thoughts and I wish you well. If I can figure out how to instant message again (I succeeded in contacting my daughter Ginny)maybe we can talk via the Net. In any event, I'll get back to you. Soon. All the best.
Bill Schoeffel
I can't believe I'm number 10, but I'm still in front of Marta, Carol, Katrina and Erica...ha ha ha...until I hit the refresh button and see that they all beat me.
Jessica explained the hair pain as how your hair feels in a tight tight rubberband, but doesn't go away.
Remember by lock...I'm serious.
Hope to see you soon.
Love, Janette
That's a great way to describe the pain when your hair falls out, Janette. It's hard to explain, and seems strange that hair would hurt, but the ponytail example is great. Not that I would remember what a ponytail feels like anymore. By the way Janette, I still have the lock of hair I pulled out before I lost my hair for you. I know Elizabeth, Me, me, me!!" I'm getting to you. My heart aches for you, I know what you feel like. The hair falling out makes it all too real. Beleive me, it will all be over, and you won't even remember half of this stuff. Just take it for what it is, take a few pictures, and take advantage!! When you are done with this and Fred is gone forever, you won't have people dropping off baked goods everyday! Love, Amy
Yo Beth:
Let me get this straight......You're becoming nice? Must be mind altering stuff....I don't think the effect will last.
I'm following along, hang in there...
Charlie J.
As Janette's twin I will answer no for the hair part on her behalf. She is not allowed to look cuter than me. I think she has some moles on her head so that may be interesting. I will give up, hmmm...have to think of that one. You have such a unique way of writing. Keep allowing us to hear your thoughts. Interesting!
Enjoy your restful weekend.
Heyy Beth, what up from da Bronx!
Just wanted to say hi, stay positive, hang tough, keep the faith kid (words to live by from da hood). I called a few people from the I-8 Project (Klaus, Joe, Arlisa, Bill Shoeffel and Greg) and even though they are all scattered, they all send their best. I gave them the address for your blog. Everyone was shocked as I was, and we are all pulling for you, it's funny but even rugged construction people have feelings.
I will keep looking for your good friend Harry Bunker!!
Nazdar!!Dobry den
Hey Beth , what up from da Bronx?
Wanted to say hi, stay positive, hang tough, you'll get thru this (words of advice from da hood)
I called a few people from the I-8 Project yesterday and they were all as schocked as I was, they all send their best wishes. I also gave them your blog (Klaus, Arlisa, Joe, Bill Shoeffel, and Greg).... Well kid, best vibes from all the construction people (and yes even rugged people like us, have a feeling or two every now and then!!)
Hasta luego
I am sorry I double posted!! My bad. I just realized it. Say hello to uncle Bill.
No competition, just surprised that after 10 posts, I was the first of this crew. OK, you were flying, I will give you that one.
Have a great weekend liz!
Hey stranger,
From reading your blog, it seems that you are doing pretty well and keeping your spirits high. You certainly do have a lot of friends. Are all of them from construction projects too? Just remember, we are all here if you need anything. Klaus
Lizzy (and Fellow Commenters),
Okay, to clear any confusion: I just learned about this blog today and am playing catch up. Liz, you can't guilt me into something no one informed me about (and I do support my local NPR/PBS station)! :-P
Lizzy, you are one of the strongest people I know. I don't believe we are faced with things we can't handle. I too agree with the plan concept... thanks for sharing.
Your blog is awesome. I've read and commented on several friends' blogs, but this one rocks! Your strength really shines through as you're able to write about the icky stuff (which I oddly enjoyed reading). And the Comments rock too! Just what Liz always wanted: a huge community of people completely focused on her! We all know you love it; so glad you don't deny it. :-)
Love you much,
PS - I'll see those in Mahopac for Easter weekend (pending I don't have a cold and Mrs. B lets me in the house).
Hello Elizabeth:
Since we're discussing therapy, I went to my old world doctor the other day. He asked me what was wrong. I explained that two nights before I dreamt that I was a teepee and that the night before I dreamt I was a wigwam. I asked my doctor what he thought these strange dreams were a symtom of. He replied,"It's really very simple Wilhelm, you're too tense.
Bah boom.
Speak at you soon Liz.
Bill Schoeffel
First, please don't tell my sister that chemo made you uncharacteristically enthused for shopping or she'll want me to start treatments before I next visit her in NYC.
Second, I would go so far as to shave my head in solidarity if I hadn't realized a few years back that it actually has a rather large dent at the rear, although no one will admit to dropping me in my infancy. Seriously, I think you could fit one of those 1000 Easter eggs in it comfortably.
Third, congratulations on being a third of the way to Fred's assassination, and for keeping your optimism, sense of humor, and patience with us leechlike readers that have been slacking on the replies.
I've been told that Wrobel hugs (my mom taught me well) are so powerful they can even travel over the web, so here goes... (insert appropriate hug sound effect here)
Dear Elizabeth,
I was shocked when Katrina wrote what had happened to you.
I am speechless - I do not really know what to say. I think of you every day and I hope this might be a little help for you!!
I wish you strength and power!! I am sure, that your friends and your family are with you and give you the energy you need!!
If there is anything I can do for you – even from Germany – let me know, please!!
I think your homepage is a very good idea to deal with it. Your writings really touched me - I will continue to read them.
Lots of greetings to you and your lovely family!
Big hugs, Sabine
Whats goin on Ej i had fun talking with you in church this moning...and i was deffinately diggin the jamacian headband thingey...me like...lol anyways we have to hang out one day and watch some movies im up for it are you???? anyways well i have to go do something...what i have no clue but either ill talk to you later or ill talk to you in church on sunday..... and i cannot wait till stuffing and hiding eggs its gonna be very very cool
Luv Ya
Hi! Can't read all the comments right now because this costs 50 cents a minute to be on-line, but Hal and I sent our love and want you to know we're "there" (not!) for you from somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Four days at sea and no land in sight yet! Miss you and keep you in our prayers.
Winnie and Hal
Wow--you can tell you've posted too late when you get to the end of the comments and can't remember what the original post said!
For the record, we were at the Internetless-New-House all weekend. I didn't even get online until this morning. Jeesh, Janette, cut a new home-owner some slack!
As far as solidarity goes, I had contemplated cutting my hair very short...then I woke up from a nightmare of the childhood pixie haircut mom used to give us before we had boobs--remember that Elizabeth & Erica? No one could tell if we were boys or girls??!! Yeah, so THAT scarred me for life. Although I don't think anyone would mistake Elizabeth's chest for that of a mans (ha! that's funny!), I wouldn't place the same bet regarding my own (in anticipation of many mental comments--ha ha ha you're all very funny)...I need my hair to keep my gender--sorry EJ!
Your scarves look fabulous with your matching outlook. Keep positive and know you're loved... and if you need solidarity in eating those brownies, you know who to call.
Love you!
Oh, and I wanted to send a shout out to Carol and Janette for the Relay for Life talks they gave yesterday. The American Cancer Society & cancer patients everywhere are lucky to have team leaders like the two of you! Go Team Touched By Grace!
Let the fundraising begin!
(This is about you, Elizabeth!)
Little Bitty, welcome to the club. I can honestly say that regardless of boobs, you have joined at least a few of the men who read this and have been watching our hair fall out for quit some time. Ralph Wiggum voice (I have a FIVEhead). And STILL you look better than the lot of us. I'd also like to say that I may start a whole new trend of waiting for the last post, just because it's nice to have the last word in things for once. I'd tell you who this is, but I don't think Pastor would talk about boobs, and that only leaves the other annonymous poster - Brother in law #..... I mean The SHADOW, yes - who knows what lurks in the hearts of men (and sometimes women), who wants his $2, and who can't believe yoou've found a way to make money by placing bets on the outcome of WEST WING episodes.
people are saying "boobs again- ALOT!!!!! (is that politically correct?!)
Hey, send me some brownies over to Slovakia if you can not deal with all of them. We do not have any brownies over in this hidden country :o(((.
you always looked great with scarves so do not worry about the hair, you´ll have them back after Fred will be dead.
take care Liz,
Most people think I'm a pretty resourceful person and I thought so too, until the topic of your wig came up. Then I thought back on the days when I wore a wig...yes, a short frosted thing that I could wear when I was too lazy to wash my long hair. It itched, as you said, but probably more so, since I had dirty hair underneath it! Yikes!
Anyway, I had the wig on while cooking dinner in the oven one night. (I sprung for the cheap synthetic kind, since that was all I could afford in my single days.) Anyway, I stuck my head in the oven to check on the dinner,and my wig sort of melted! It turned into a big frizz ball...pretty scary sight!
My vote is the scarf...you look great in it!! Charlie called it a doo rag...oh well, men have no taste. After that jazzed up version of the Hallelujah Chorus we're doing for Easter, maybe we should all be wearing doo rags!
A note from the man with no taste...
You guys have to get over this 'Hallelujah Chorus' thing! It is what it is. I vote for the doo rag as well - looks great!
A man of few words! :)
Love ya!
Linda (and Charlie) K.
Ah the Great Easter Egg Hunt. I have many fond memories. Tell my former Easter egg-stuffing partner Brian that I said hello!
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