Don't worry. I have already been yelled at.
I know. I didn't post when I said I was going to. I forgot. Well, that's not really true. I put it off...and then I went to bed. Oops. Anyway, I'm posting now. And I think I'm going to take Katrina's advice and stop giving you a heads-up as to when I'm hoping to post. Making plans very rarely works out for me. It's not like anything really eventful was going on. I'm feelling OK, in fact, if it weren't for a headache that seems determined to stick around, I feel ...good. (Writes this cautiously as she is afraid she will jinx it) I've made up most of my sleep and I even did some myself. Ahh. So there is something I can talk about. I usually despise doing things for myself. It is so much easier to have other people do things for you. However, now that I can't do everything for myself, I am starting to want to. I know. The weird paradoxs that come with cancer. Poison body to cure it. Feeling sick means the chemo is working. Wanting to do things for yourself when you would normally love to have others do things for you.
I discovered that I wanted to drive my own car. You see... I had this parking ticket. Don't roll your eyes. It really wasn't my fault. ..Stop laughing. It wasn't. My inspection sticker had fallen off my window and I got a ticket for expired inspection while I was in Mount Kisco. I sent in everything I was supposed to but they kept messing up and I kept getting tow notices. And in all honesty this little parking ticket is so far down on my list of priorities at the moment that I really shouldn't have cared about it at all. However, it presented me with an opportunity. I could drive my car to Mount Kisco, yell at some people and maybe, if I still had energy, pick up an Easter outfit. (The one I never did manage to pick out with Marta after my last chemo.) AND, since I was feeling okay, I could do it all by myself.
Well, once I convinced my family. That was, beleive it or not, the hardest part of the entire day. Convincing my family that I didn't want them with me. I probably could have done that better. I think maybe some feelings were hurt. If they were, consider this a really, really backhanded apology. But how do you explain that your tired of being looked at as an invalid to people who continue to insist that they don't see you that way? I was feeling good for once. I wanted to go out and do something for me...alone. I didn't need a babysitter ...or a driver. I have a cell phone. I know my own limitations. I mean, this is me. I'm the first person to admit when I don't feel like doing something.
For example. Brian (cousin Brian) was doing an Eagle Scout Project. He's putting up mile markers on the bike trail. He needed adult supervision and asked Mom and I. (Once again, stop rolling your eyes and laughing. Yes, I am an adult) Once I actually spoke to him and figured out how much walking and standing around would be involved, I figured this was not something I would be up for. I love that section of the bike trail and mom and I have walked it before, but my longest walk since starting chemo was all of 45 minutes and left me exhausted. I'm not the person who is going to push herself past her limits.
Anyway. That was yesterday. Today I went with my friend Amy to NorthEast Radiology. She had some scans she was getting done and I was bored of sitting at home. Besides the parts where we almost died because Amy drives like a nut, it wasn't a bad day. I caught up on celebrity gossip in a magazine while Amy was stuck in a "donut machine". Hmm. I havn't used that one before have I. OK. Quick explanation. All of the machines that they stick you into for scans tend to be round with a hole. CT scan, PET scan, Mugga scan, MRI. They all look like donuts. Not to mention are very bad for people who are claustrophobic. (Sue you would hate them) Anyway, while Amy was in the donut I was reading some magazines. Actually, Amy found a pretty funny article about cancer patients before she went in that I finished reading. It was something like 10 things you shouldn't do, or say to cancer patients. It starts off with not telling your own story unless it has a happy ending. The author tells about how everytime she told someone that she had cancer they would come back with an aunt, cousin, best-friend's sister, who had cancer and was fiesty and brave and learned photography and oil painting during her downtime from chemo while helping in homeless shelter and curing world hunger... etc. And then when the author asked about how the incrdible brave, not going down without a fight person was doing, she often would find out that they had died. Now, I have to agree with the author on this point. You may have a great story on your hands but think through to the end. Happy ending? No? Then don't share. I thought it was funny. (I know, I'm a little twisted)
After Amy's scans we went out to lunch. She had a margarita and I watched on in envy. It was a great way to break up the day. I think she felt a little guilty about having a drink in the middle of the day for no real reason, but my philosophy is that anytime one is poked with needles and has radioactive isotopes dumped into their bloodstream, they deserve a little treat.
I really don't think that I have anything else to write. I have a lot of work to do for the egg hunt. But I think I'll save that for tomorrow's post. Just in case nothing interesting happens. Talk to ya later - Elizabeth
Woo hoo. I am second. I will write more later but I have to be second!
Woo Hoo I am third until I refresh. Now I can breathe and write since both Carol and I beat Janette.
Elizabeth..I am proud of you for your independence. It is so easy to fall back on others and get in a habit of it. Roll down the window, turn up the radio and have fun. Have a wonderful rested Easter.
Jacque broke your new rule. You said you would post again tomorrow. So did you ever take care of your parking ticket? Glad to hear you had a nice day out. So what is the latest Hollywood gossip?
Love, Kristin
Hey Liz,
Nothing interesting? Not from you, girl!! Loved your bandana...really chic!! See you Friday at Grace...and Golden House (I hope.) Hope those cookies are still satisfying your sweet tooth. Love, Aunt Millie
Hey Lizzy,
I can imagine the scene, the difficulty, in convincing the fam' that you could go out on your own for a little bit. Oh, how the Bauerleins care about each other soooo very much. That's one thing I would never question. You're an incredibly lucky gal...
And fellow introvert, you recharge by being alone. You're very social, but you are an introvert. Space is needed from time to time. I'm sure you're finding all sorts of ways to do that too. Are you fake sleeping yet, so people leave you alone? Ooops... Sorry if I outed you. ;-p
So.....Beth, when did you become an adult? This is news to me!
I am happy that you were able to maintain your independence by running errands yesterday, keep the faith.
I hope you and your family have a great Easter, I will say a couple of prayers this Sunday when I go to church, and wish for a speedy recovery. I e-mailed and called Alex in Winsconsin and asked him to relay the news to Von Hessling, in case you hear from them.
Elizabeth -
Glad to see that you still have your humor. Happy Easter Kathy
OMG, I miss those egg hunts. A woman came into the store yesterday and said something about having to go home to make stuff for her kid's egg hunt and I was like "............i miss easter egg hunts at my aunt's house ;_;" Because clearly it is superior to all other egg hunts ever to grace the face of the planet.
Anyway, just sharing some fond memories :) I'm glad you're feeling a little better, you're always in my thoughts and prayers. Have a happy easter!!
Yes Yes Yes, I'm number 10 again, go 10!
I am so happy that Amy had a margarita! You go girl! Can I take you on Tuesday, then maybe we can also go shopping AND I can have a margarita -hey, I see a pattern here....all joking aside, if you need a side kick for Tuesday, count me in.
I am curious, I have never seen an inspection sticker 'fall off'. Even in bad accidents, that is the one thing that holds the car together. Leave it to Liz to get the one that doesn't stick!
All my love,
So AGAIN mother has to defend herself (Do you see a pattern here?) As the week went on and Elizabeth felt more like herself each morning, I would bring her morning meds to her (still in bed) along with something to drink, but I skipped the part where I also brought her toast buttered and jellied (so that she wouldn't have an upset stomach upon rising). And of course, her reply was "What, no breakfast?" Does this sound like someone who wants to take care of themselves??? I think not!!
And, I just felt that I might be in a better position to yell at the town clerk in Mt. Kisco for their incompetence. Ok, so enough defending me.
Elizabeth you're looking great and I'm glad that you're feeling well enough to be "bitchy" to mom. A sign that the second chemo "down time" is ending :)
Love You, Mom
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm glad you went with me yesterday. Remind me to tell you "the rest of the story..." I actually had to go back last night. They needed another film. Am I worried? No. They said it happens all the time. Just a hassle for me to drive all the way to Brewster - AGAIN. I made it in one piece! Although, my suspension is wacked. It's in the shop today. So much for Thelma and Louise. Elizabeth, just this Easter, look to the Lord and He will make you whole again. You can do all things through Him!!
Glad you're feeling better. You want to do things for...yourself? *Shock* Just kidding. Love & Hugs.
Hallo Liz,
heute mal wieder in Deutsch - Englisch dauert mir zu lange.
Ich will jetzt endlich das Rezept für eine richtige Margarita!!! Immer schreibst Du darüber. Ich würd mir eine mixen und wenn ich sie trinke, ganz fest an Dich denken - so zur Feier des Tages.
Es ist schon erstaunlich, dass es einem zu viel werden kann, nix zu tun... mmh, ich könnte mich jetzt mal so eins bis zwei Wochen bedienen lassen. Spaß bei Seite, ich bewundere Dich, wie Du das alles schaffst. Ich freu mich jeden Tag auf Deinen Tagesbericht.
Ich bin schon ein bißchen benachteiligt hier! Alle wissen wie klasse Du mit Deiner neuen "Frisur" aussiehst nur ich nicht. Naja, das ist einer der Nachteile, wenn man 8 Flugstunden entfernt wohnt... aber halt, dafür bin ich auch nicht verpflichtet Kekse zu bringen. Also, das gleicht es wieder aus ;)
Frohe Ostern Dir und Deiner Familie
Hi Elizabeth
I fully understand about the ticket and the sticker. I traded in my truck last month and notice I never register the vehicle which expired in November! Who looks in that corner of the window anyway.
Your blog site is on my toolbar . . . I am hooked. I don't watch much TV, I don't have to, your site is quite amusing. Keep up your spunky attitude.
Thought about all the years we joined the Egg Hunt . . . it was fun and the best Egg Hunt I've ever been to. Thanks Mil for the memories.
Happy Easter to you and your family and God Bless you.
Hi Elizabeth- I work with Diane Miller and just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and the best thing for you is to keep an upbeat and positive attitude. I went thru chemo & radiation a year ago for breast cancer and the best thing for me was the support of my family and friends. I just felt I needed to do everything I could for myself and them and the rest was up to God. By the way, the wig for me lasted about two wearings. It made my head feel like it was in a vice and I ended up liking those cute little scarfs and my granddaughter loved them too. Also, my hair is back in now and its thicker and curlier than ever. If you wish to e-mail me, my address is: GODSOTRSON@AOL.COM Wishing you all the best. With Love Ellen
Hey Liz,
Enjoy helping Easter Bunny today(and by that I mean Brian and his crew)stuffing those eggs. Hmmm, so busy at work and the only thing I can think of is honey walnut shrimp. And it is only 9:00AM. Sue, I hope that made it on the list this year :)
Hope you feel great today and the whole weekend! Looking forward to seeing you tonight.
share recipe for honey walnut shrimp , please Sue! Hoppy Easter Liz!
Hi Liz:
I'm glad to see from your recent ramblings that your straigtforward personality is intact. No moss is gathering around you!
Annie and I just took a day trip to the Millbrook Vineyard and town in the Hudson Valley for some wining, dining and antiquing. Learning about wine is my latest interest. I just finished reading " The Wine Bible" by Karen MacNeil. She not only descibes the various aspects of wine, she also tells of the history, people, customs, and food of each wine producing country and region. Anyway, there's a lot of wine out there and my goal is to drink it.
I don't know what number comment I am, but after a few tastings, who cares!
All the best and Happy Easter to you and yours.
Bill S.
Hello Elizabeth-----
I thought I'd make your life a little easier, so here is the recipe for a Margarita, also known as Margherita or Marguerita:
1 1/2 oz Tequila
1 oz Lemon or lime juice
1/2 oz Triple Sec
(Für Leute, denen Deutsch leichter fällt, 1 oz = 29.57 kubikcentimeter. Noch durchschlagendere Wirkung kann erzielt werden, wenn man statt oz Liter setzt!!)
Rub rim of cocktail glass with rind of lemon or lime, dip rim in salt. Shake ingredients with ice and strain into the salt-rimmed glass.
Serves: 1
...and there are those who say, a proper Margarita should never see the inside of a blender/mixer.
Please keep up the good SPIRITS, including Margaritas. You are doing a remarkable job. Happy Easter to you all and all the best. You are always in our prayers.
I like Gerhard!
Translation from Melanie:
Hello Liz,
Today will be in German again--English takes too long!
For once and for all, I would like the recipe for a real marguerita!!!
You always write about it. I would really like to make one and think of you when I drink it.
It is amazing that one can become so overwhelmed doing nothing!Hmmm, I could probably deal with a week or two of being waited on hand and foot! All jokes aside, I am in awe of how you are handling everything. I look forward to your daily update every day.
I'm feeling a little at a disadvantage here! Everyone knows how awesome you look with your new wig and in your scarves except for me! Oh well, that is one of the disadvantages when you live 8 hours by plane away...however, because of that I'm also not forced to bring you cookies! I guess it evens out! ;)
Happy Easter to you and your family.
An Melanie
(Du, Melanie, es tut mir Leid, dass ich nicht rechtzeitig uebersetzte. Wir sind ins Haus umgezogen und hatten eine Woche kein Internet! Um Himmelswillen, wie leben Menschen so?
Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich uebersetze gerne...auch wenn nicht gerade woertlich--schreib ruhig auf deutsch! Frohe Ostern auch in Boedigheim! Katrina und Familie)
As requested, the recipe for:
Honey Walnut Shrimp
Pick up the phone, dial:
914-962-8088 and make a reservation
Drive to:
Golden House Chinese Restaurant
3639 Hill Blvd
Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
Tell Charlie or David
Susan sent you. :-)
It really is worth the drive!
Health & blessings,
Here's their website
hi i dont know what you are going through i never had chemo but i understand scared i was diag last month with squamus cell ca i was scared and was freaking out i had surg on my face and they say 90 to 97 cure rate i was a basket case but i prayed and prayed and got my real friends to pray for me i will be praying for you all day tomorrow and with your attitude i feel your pet scan will be good you know you do not have to be so brave arround people if they care for you they will let you vent if they dont there loss tomorrow think pos all day long and if you want to be bitchy go ahead and do it if you want to be winey get some cheese and do it up if you need to vent email me i will answer as soon as i get it so good luck tomorrow and i will be thinking about sue h
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