Wednesday, April 19, 2006

And the X-rays come back clean.

That's right. No further disasters have hit. They figure that my back and neck pain were probably from the neulasta shots that I recieve and maybe from overdoing it a little. I went back today for my neulasta shot and as per usual, it burns when they put it in, and now every bone in my body is screaming at me.
As for the rest of my day. Nothing to exciting. Mom woke me up at 8 for my morning meds. We're back on the prednisone (yuck) and then I started working on some new pictures. Unfortunately my web host is in the Bahamas. Not that this would normally be a problem. I could just email the pictures to him, but I have heard he has had some ...trouble getting settled. (Did they find your luggage yet, Steve? I heard that the one shirt you do have now has a ketchup stain. If it makes you feel better, I only laughed a little when I heard. ...tee hee) I figured I wouldn't bother him with my pictures right now. This is the part of the day that I would have liked to go to Amy's sit in the steam room, get a message, sit in the jacuzzi and take a nap on the couch. But nooo, someone had to go and get sick. And then get her children sick. Between Amy and Mom I will never be exposed to sick people, but it puts a small dent in my plans. Oh, Amy is feeling better and so is Sophia. Her birthday is today and every should give a little shout out. Happy Birthday Sophia!
Hm. I had lunch at noon, then fell asleep until 3. I was a little tired. Then mom and i went to get the shot and had dinner when we got back. The Muller/Weisleder familly made dinner tonight. And Amy brought by pulled pork last night. Thanks to both. It was great. Now I'm just getting in a quick blog before choir tonight. I'm feeling a little punky and probably wouldn't go, except for the fact that I'm singing a solo next week and havn't actually practiced it yet. oops. That's really all there is. Talk to you later. -Elizabeth


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Feeling punky or funky and still going to choir, that's our girl. Good news on the X-rays and glad that #3 chemo treatment is done. See you at choir.


At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz,
You're half way there....Someday the poking will stop and we can all say "Hooray". Thanks for the visual on the catapulting chair...I LOL...
Love, Aunt Millie

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi my name is sue hausler from grace your mom knows me we were suppose to walk the bike trail but she told me you wanted to go with her alone and when your daughter wants to do something with mom the mom does it she is a great person and it proves it with her kids i know your sister katrina and chuck nice people i hope things go great for you vinny tipa brother in law had the same thing years ago and he is doing great and with your fam. they will make sure you are ok if you or your mom need anything please call or email me sue hausler

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps i love reading your rambling with your sence of humor you will be great sue

At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Beth,

It's awesome to hear that you are feeling Punky Brewster, I mean Punky Mahopac! But more important that the x-rays are OK.

Thru this blog I am realizing that you have so many hidden talents: you are tough as nails
you are a great event organizer (shocker!),
you are a very good writer,
you have a wicked sense of humor
and you can sing!? (who knew?)
You're halfway there, stay strong.

Keyser Soze (aka Verbal Kint)

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great News..and fast, too.
Things keep getting better and better.

At 12:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful news of clean x-rays. Thanks for not making us wait for the results! Hope you'd fun at choir tonight, even through the punkiness. And good luck with the solo. Should be fun. Only 3 more to go!!
Many smiles,

At 3:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That´s great that the x-rays came out clean. very good news.
take care Liz and have a wounderful sunny day.

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the good news about the x-rays and that you had a great Easter weekend.

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess what everyone??? I have bony shoulders. Now, I don't remember anyone ever telling me that I had "bony" anything. But after resting her head on my shoulder while we were waiting for test results and her Neulasta shot today, she did sit up about 30 seconds later. She informed me that Mrs. K's shoulder was much more comfortable (thanks Nel) and that I had bony shoulders...Whoo Hoo!!. So Kristen, I guess I'm with you and will be relagated to holding her feet, rotating her ankles and massaging the muscles in her calves. You mom's out there no, how gladly I will do that (For now). Love you Elizabeth

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I realize that I used the wrong no and it should be "know". Wow I have two gramatical experts in the family reading this. Mil

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


So happy that your x-rays came out clean!!

Pls send anything you want posted, I usually have at last some time at my PC every day. Working an event in the Bahamas stinks, all I want to do is play, not work!! You will not believe, but I have only been able to enjoy the water and surroundings by sight so far. Which means that my bathing suit remains unworn. The stupidest thing is that this resort closes their pool area at 7pm!!!


At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey EJ --

Glad to hear your x-rays are fine! And you better than 1/2 way there!

Carol --

My thoughts exactly, you sound like one of your kids. :)

Health & blessings,

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant "and YOU'RE better than 1/2 way there."

At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See how aware we have all become of our grammer. we even send a second blog to correct.

Sue H's comment brought to mind that I have not walked (as in really walking) since the end of February when Elizabeth started with her doctors. She of course is too zapped to really walk any distances, so I am looking for walking partners. Are any of you bloggers interested in walking the bike trail, 3 or 4 x a week, at about 9:00AM or even 9:30ish. I generally do a 15 -17 minute mile so an hour of walking gives me between 3 and 4 miles. I really need a buddy (or buddies)to do it. No pressure, but if you're interested, let me know. And Elizabeth, you're not off the hook.....When you are pronounced cured, we are back on the bike path. Mom

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - great news!
Because of you I've actually visited a blog - a virgin blogger you could say.
I'm still trying to assess who's funnier - your mom or you. You are both incredible women and an inspiration to us all! Altho your mom's talk of that 4-letter word was a bit depressing to me - walk. A reminder of the excercising needed. alice
P.S. Why didn't they take your blood from the port? Your issue was blood and needles - does this mean there's no future in nursing with you?

so mom is insisting that i write on the same blog that comment that she did (so we are habina women together... i dont know why after all these years she still doesnt know how to spell our last name... not even 6 months later and i already know) i am glad to hear that your x-ray was good (and am kinda curious to see what the port looks like if you figure out how to post the xray picture)
as always my prayers and love is with you

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Liz: So glad your x rays results were good. You are doing great!! Just three more treatments. By the way, I love the scarves you wear. Looking forward to hearing you sing on Sunday.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger katrina said...

Public Service Announcement
Elizabeth sounded great when she practiced the solo for church (after choir practice Wednesday). Everyone should make an attempt to be at the 11:00 service on Sunday morning at Grace to hear her sing from Handel's Messiah!


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