A, hopefully, humorus and accurate look at cancer from my perspective. Also known as: If I have to go through this, I'm taking all of you with me, damn it.
A, hopefully, humorus and accurate look at cancer from my perspective. Also known as: If I have to go through this, I'm taking all of you with me, damn it.
We missed you terribly today on the slopes, Elizabeth. In case it is consolation, the boys kept calling me Aunt Liz today. They missed you, too. :)
Oh, and Outer Limits was closed today because of the Freestyle Skiing Competition, so there will always be next year for us all!
On a side note, where the hell is Kathy Stef? After that eat-my-own-thank-you-cookies rebuttal, I'm surprised she hasn't braved a comeback yet. Kathy, how do you look yourself in the mirror???
Yes, I haven't been on the computer all day,- hey Carol, we painted the living room!!! You have to stop by and see it (Martini Friday anyone?)....
janette & gene
Sorry, forgot Katrina, the Grammer expert may be reading, it should say, NO, I haven't been on the computer all day...Ok, I can sleep now...
Liz - there was a stange boy on a bicycle looking for you on the mountain -- kept saying you owed him 2 dollars. He missed you too.
Aunt Liz, Even though you only went down one hill yesterday, it was still very nice to have you here this weekend for our adventure. Love Matt
So proud of you for trying Liz! Hope you had a good weekend with the family - sorry I missed it. Still taking your meds right? Following the schedule I made? Anyways, give me a call whenever. :) Love you!
-Lil Sis, Erica
Hi Elizabeth (and the other Vermont vacationers), It was a really good weekend with terrific memories. Thanks for inviting us to go along. Even though I only cross country shop and Dad decided his skiing days were over, it was really fun to be with you all. Uncle Jerry said to me a few years ago, "when your adult children ask you to vacation with them, take advantage of the opportunity. It doesn't happen in every family." How right he is, how lucky we are, and how happy we were to be included. Love you all Mom/Dad or whatever term you have for us (e.g.Aunt Mil/Uncle Gary, Mr & Mrs.B).
PS. we missed you Erica (Ask about my sleeping pill and glass of wine fiasco)
Okay, maybe you better know me as mouth.
First, I've been lurking here for a few days.. thanks for sharing yr rambing.
Second, read Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi (if you haven't already) - it is a great personal graphic novel and seems like something you would enjoy.
Third, side question...any interest in turning yr story about Fred into an animation? Seriously, stop animation is super fun and we could storyboard it over email....
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