Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Boob in a sling – also to be known as “I’ve had hangovers worse than this”.

Last night I rolled on top of my port. I admit... that hurt. However, the knee jerk reaction of grabbing the area in pain hurt a lot more. Needless to say, when I woke up this morning I was NOT feeling 100%. Mom came down to bring me some toast and my drugs, and watched in amused fascination as I tried to sit up while holding my boob to avoid putting any stress on the anti-stitches. (Tape,.. glue. I’ve covered this already) In the end, I had her get a scarf and we made a makeshift sling for my boob that didn’t pull on the port site. It was actually pretty amusing to see. And no, there will be no graphic for that. Get your minds out of the gutters people.

Besides this early morning pain, the rest of the day wasn’t that bad. I think we dodged the bullet on this first go around. I was a little flushed from the steroid they gave me the day before. I was a little groggy and very lethargic,… but when am I not? In all honestly, I’ve had hangovers worse than this. (Don’t worry mom, not too many) I went in to get my final shot for the week. It is supposed to bring up my white blood cell count by stimulating bone marrow growth. They said that my bones might start to ache. It’s like having growing pains all over again. I can usually work them out of the joints, but the rest is taken care of with Tylenol. Ahh, the wonders of modern medicine.

Now, on to a new section I feel obliged to add in order to answer the various questions posed from the peanut gallery. Err…I mean the comment section.

First off, Mrs. Fitz (of the Florida Fitz’s) no need to start refereeing yet. I think just the threat of the Sicilian verbal beating will be enough to keep any wayward commenters inline. (But just in case, be on stand by.)

Mrs. Miller – you work too much and getting there earlier to read my blog does not make me feel better. However, all will be forgiven, if you should happen to bring by some of your brownies. I love your brownies. And since a certain Stefunek family out in Ohio ate the cookies that they were going to send to me, I am out of baked goods. (Afraid they were going to break in the mail. Yeah right. You just wanted them all to yourself. Just for that, I plan on baking a plate of “thank you” cookies and eating them all myself)

To the Texas contingent: You guys are great. I remember Janette telling me about you, her sisters. I was in Texas for about 6 months, 2 years ago. I was contemplating a permanent move. As soon as Janette found out she offered you guys up as my surrogate sisters. As I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it home for major holidays, she assured me that you were just as loud, nosy, and loving as my own sisters. And now I see that she was right. I do have to point out, that as far as beating Janette to a response, she has emailed me her two comments today. I think that she may have taken the referee, no fighting on the comments site to heart. Janette – you’re invited to post again. It will give Carol more incentive to post sooner. On to final Texas questions. I have no idea of a bracelet color for non-Hodgkin. I’m not sure there is one. However, the graphics are all mine. In fact the margarita glass is the actual glass I drank from. Thanks for the compliment though.

To all who have never commented before, Sigrid, good job. I love hearing from you. (How are the twins?)

I think that’s all for that section now. I will probably add more later. I just realized that you guys have very little background as to the history of Fred, or the origins of his name. And yet in my evil and devious ways, I am going to make you wait for tomorrow’s blog for that. (HaHaHaHa – throws back her head in evil laughter - followed by a groan as she pulls on the anti stitches - followed by not throwing back her head, in a not quite as evil “TeeHee”)

Hope that this gives you your blog fix for the day. - Elizabeth


At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, FINALLY, someone stands up and defends the mother. Thank you Karen S.
I wish that I could tell you all that the boob thing didn't happen and that it was just a made up Elizabeth tale....alas, tis true, tis true, tis true. A very funny sight that gave us both a needed laugh. Thanks to all for your prayers and thoughts, and EJ, I love you. Mom

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Mrs. Fitz said...

Hi Elizabeth,

Sorry to hear about your boob pain, besides that it sounds like your day wasn't too bad.That's good to hear,Ok I will stand down untill you need me to referee.Hang in there and stay strong.Love,Mr. & Mrs. Fitz

At 4:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

n bbgdgvgb v b nbnnhbbbh bbgc v xfvbvbvbvbb bhb - so, this is from Luis for you. I guess he want's to say: You are great. My Mom was very sad about hearing you have to get a chemo,but everytime she reads your "daily news" she had to smile about the way you write them. I'm sure you make it through like me and even if it takes a bit longer, you will be the winner in the end!"

Love Luis - 16 month old cousin from Bödigheim

At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I can't wait on Marta and Carol, who probably at this moment are typing fast and furious!). Yes, consider my Texas family as extended sisterhood (as I do your family). They are my world.
Have a great day.

At 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, just wanted to say hi from down here in Northern Virginia. I've been thinking about you since I've heard the news and reading your ramblings has been totally awesome and hysterical. You have great insight, sarcasm and humor - and a wonderful way with words. I'll be in New York for Easter and really hope I get to see you at church. Keep fighting the good fight. Love, Sara Kennedy

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Amy Sayegh said...

Let's see how many times we can use the word "BOOB" on your blog. It can be used in many different ways, as in "I felt like a real BOOB because I wasn't the first one to comment in your blog." OR "I'm so sorry you are having such problems with your BOOBS". There, I got it in 3 more times! See you tonight at the dinner! Love, Amy

At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you. Keep up your good attitude. If anyone has to give you shots after the treatments let me know I need to talk to them.
Kathy & Matthew Slater and Elinor Vogel

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth...I discovered today and even yesterday at church, that although many of my generation have figured out how to access your blog, they don't necessarily know how to leave you comments. Perhaps you could give a lesson on this in one of your daily ramblings. Be specific, because you know that brain cells start to go when you reach my age. I would also suggest that you tell them to go with anonymous....but that it doesn't mean that you won't know who sent it, as they will sign it. By the way, how do commenters get to have their name in blue..."e.g. karis s. said" anyway, some instructions please. Love you, Mom
Also, a note to people like Uncle Gene who didn't realize that the most recent blog comes up first....scroll down.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just thought I'd drop a note to say we're thinking of you up in Framingham, MA. Your humorous commentary certainly demonstrates you are doing well.

Best wishes,
Scott & Michelle Christensen

At 5:06 PM, Blogger katrina said...

I have decided that in commenting so late in the evening, I am, in fact, merely early for tomorrow's blog.

Issue 1: I can accept my new title, Computer Number Four. However, I also submit that #4 makes a number of valid points, not the least of which is: I do not experience great luck with computers. Last night for example, I tried to comment on a post and I was told that you all posted too frequently and as a result had broken the site....well, that's not really what the computer said, but I know what it meant to say. You broke it with your superfluous postings.

Furthermore, as a public service to Carol and anyone else who is considering this drastic measure: please do not re-prioritize your life such that blogging precedes personal hygiene. Shower first. Blog second....or perhaps shower, clothes, then blog...unless of course you are teaching your 1st graders a human anatomy lesson.

Finally, I believe Luis said it best when he wrote: "n bbgdgvgb v b nbnnhbbbh bbgc v xfvbvbvbvbb bhb," which is baby German for "what's a boob?"

Love and kisses to the queen boob,

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could just picture that "Tee Hee" just like the many, many times I've heard it before. Glad to hear the day wasn't too bad and that you were able to make a sling - was there duct tape involved by chance?


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